2007年12月19日 星期三

Section A 49482026 汪斌卿

Informative Speech
Speech Topic: NEET

Adaptation Plan:
1. Speaking directly to members of the audience:
I will explain it slower and clearer so that my
audience could understand easier.

2. Building credibility:
I will show them the static from the government in

3. Getting and maintaining interest:
I think my audience would be interested in my topic,
since NEET is a new word in Taiwan just like Otaku.
Besides, In order to draw their attention and maintain
their interest, photos of NEET will be represented;
and I will compare similar words in the end.

4. Facilitating understanding:
First I will use Power point to clarify my topic, and
I will introduce it step by step, from its origin to
its type and so on.

5. Increasing retention:
Photos will be powerful and helpful for increasing

Speech Outline:

Speech Goal: I would like to make my audience know
about this word, its definition, and its types.

I. Recently, there is a word, indicating to a new,
special group in Japan. That is NEET. Today, there are
more than 620000 people who are NEET.

II. Do you know what is that?
Thesis statement: NEET is now a serious, discussable
social problem in Japan. I want my audience to know
more about it because it might be one day a problem in

I. What is NEET?
A. It originated in England in 1999, describing the
group of youth aged 16 to 18, and they are not in
employment, education, and training. And then, when it
is transported to Japan, its meaning was clarified a
little bit different- age is not the limitation, and
they should be single.

II. I am going to present its types.
A. Daydreaming: They are a group of people with
daydreams. So before they get into work, lots of
impractical daydreams would float in their mind and
they will quit their job right away if the job is out
of their expectation.
B. Lacking of confidence: They extremely lack of
confidence. So when they fail in the interview or get
any little trouble in job, they will be frightened,
quit, and get back to home right away.
C. Autism-like: They don't want or dare not to
communicate with others, connect with other, or even
talk to others.
D. Family spoiling: Because of over spoiling, the
children have no critical thinking and judging
ability. What's more, parents think that acceptable,
for they have enough money support their children
though they are in adulthood.

II. When we look deep down in it, we will find out the
cause of NEET is confidence. That is, in most cases,
youth of the above-mentioned types caused of "over
protection." Then, I am here present why do those
parents do so:
A. Lacking of confidence: Parents are afraid of eyeing
their children failing. So they choose not to let go
their hands.
B. A sense of lost: When children grow up and being
independent, parents would have a sense of isolation
and neglect, for their children are out of control.
C. A sense of humiliation: If children fail, parents
would feel shamed.
D. Feeling anger: Children would not discuss every
thing with their parents, so parents would just feel
angry for being neglected. For example, a son has a
girlfriend, and his parents know it finally when they
are getting married.
E. Worried of getting hurt: Parents are afraid of
being hurt. For example, parents are mostly afraid if
they lost of their children who are die of drunk

Conclusion: NEET is now a serious problem in Japan,
and there are more than 620000 NEET in Japan. Apart
from being a waste of social welfare, NEET are
regarded dangerous. Though there is no news recently,
People still think NEET may commit robbing, stealing,
or drug trafficking when one day they lose their
support from family. We should pay much attention to
it, because maybe someday the NEET phenomena may
happen in Taiwan because we have similar family
pattern and conception in Taiwan.

商業周刊 1032 期


Prepared Speech first runner up - 范德政

Prepared Speech champion - 蔣蕙帆

Table Topic first runner up - 王威儒

Table Topic champion- 陳芳瑩

2007年12月18日 星期二

A6310 SectionA 49482003 林倢如 Speech Plan No.2

Informative speech
Speech title: Guinness World Records

Adaptation Plan
1. Speaking directly to the audiences: I will speak to the audiences directly and slowly so that everyone can clearly understand the whole content of my speech.
2. Building credibility: I will apply some pictures and stories which can support my statements. And I will take myself as a common person to compare with those extraordinary people who broke the Guinness world record.
3. Getting and maintaining interest: I think most people would be curios about the Guinness world record. So I will tell the audiences specifically about who break the record, how did they make it and where were they from.
4. Facilitating understanding: I'll use visual aids to present the information clearly, and I will also provide the references of my speech so that the audience can obtain further information.
5. Increasing retention: I will use visual aids to make my audiences leave the deep memory and I'll make the conclusion to end my speech.

Speech Outline:
Specific speech goal: I think my topic is interesting and rare people know clearly about the Guinness world record. After listening to my speech, I hope they can know more about it.
Introduction: Does anyone know that who is the tallest person in the world? Do you know how long is the longest hair growing on the person's ear? Are you curios about what the large dental cap looks like? If so, let me introduce them to you.
Thesis statement: Guinness World Record Book is the book catalogued many kinds of different people or things that made amazing records in the whole world. I searched this book from the internet and found someone and something that impressed me a lot. Today, I will share them to you.
I.Furthest Eyeball Popper: Kim Goodman is from USA, can pop her eyeballs to a protrusion of 11 millimeter out of her eye sockets.
II. Smallest Waist on a Living Person: Cathie Jung's been wearing a corset every day for the past 12 years, and she now wears one 24 hours a day.
III. Longest Ear Hair: Radhakant Bajpai is from India, has hair sprouting from the centre of his outer ears that measures an incredible 13.2 cm at its longest point.
IV. Most Tennis Balls Held in the Mouth by a Dog: The world record for the most tennis balls held in the mouth by a dog at one time is five. Augie, a golden retriever owned by the Miller family in Dallas, Texas, USA, successfully gathered and held all five regulation-sized tennis balls on July 6, 2003.
V. Tallest Dog Living: The tallest dog living is Gibson, it measured 107 cm tall on August 31, 2004 and is owned by Sandy Hall of Grass Valley, California, USA.
VI. Largest Dental Caps: The world's largest dental caps measure 50 cm long, 13 cm in diameter and weigh 13 kg each. They were fixed onto a pair of cracked tusks belonging to Spike, a resident Asian elephant, at the Calgary Zoo, in Canada.
VII. Heaviest Apple: The heaviest apple weighed 1.849 kg and was grown and picked by Chisato Iwasaki at his apple farm in Hirosaki City, Japan October 24, 2005.
I think everyone has your own talent or specialty that is outstanding from the others. Find it out, maybe some day you can break the new Guinness world record and become famous in the world.

Source: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/default.aspx