2007年10月27日 星期六

A6310 Section B 陳奕蓁 Speech Plan No. 1

Speech Plan1 49482047陳奕蓁
1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
Most of my classmates also take part-time jobs, and they might be benefited by their jobs.
2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will give some examples to explain my ideas.
3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
I think most of my classmates might have worked part-time job and also learned something from it.
4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?
Sharing my own experience with them would be helpful.
5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They might be interested in my experience of selling bubble tea.
6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
Since English is not my mother tongue, misinterpretation might occur if I cannot convey my idea accurately.
Speech Outline
Topic: My Experience of Working a Part-time Job
Specific goal: I want my classmates to know what I gained from my part-time job.
Introduction: I worked at my uncle's bubble tea shop this summer vacation and I learned things from my experiences with customers and selling products.
Thesis statement: Selling bubble tea is not just preparing drinks according to customers' needs. A good seller has to answer readily and appropriately to customers' questions, and is willing to brainstorm to find ways to make more profit.
I. A good seller has to answer readily and appropriately to customers' questions.
A. As an order taker, I should repeat customers' orders.
B. If I had thought customers might not know the news, I should have told them instantly.
II. It is important to find ways to make more profit.
A. My colleague and I often brainstorm in persuading our customers to accept the sales promotion.
B. We found how to speak to make customers willing to increase their orders.
Conclusion: I found working a part-time job means more than being responsible.
I. Working a par-time job means a skillful communicator and a spontaneous seller.
II. I found myself become more matured.

2007年10月24日 星期三

張容蓉--Speech Plan—Personal Experience

Speech Plan—Personal Experience



1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think my classmates might have gone through once before, excepting that the end is different.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will share them with details of my experience, front and back.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

All of us had been promoted at least once; they might be familiar with my situation.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

Share them with my personal experience might be helpful

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

They might think my speech was too lengthy. Because they all had knew it pretty well.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

It might cause some comprehension problem to deliver my speech in English and I might be not able to describe my story vividly.

Speech Outline

Specific goal: I want to share my experience of being promoted, and how I get rid of it.


I. I had been promoted by a sale and almost buy the products.

II. I think some time we cannot handle the promoting problem and some smooth sales simply because we don’t have enough experience and are lack of related knowledge.

Thesis statement: I don’t buy her words of course, when I tried to cancel my order; while I don’t know what to do against her neither. In the end, I retrieve her promoting by legal confirm letter.


I. at first I did not choose face-to-face to the sale, because she was so smooth that I could not possibly talk her away.

A. I wanted to cancel my order to an expensive encyclopedia but been refused directly by the sales.

B. she provided a lot of alternatives for drawing my intention for canceling the bill, even threatened me.

C. when I found out it was impossible for me to persuade her; I looked for my alternative, too.

II. After I made sure all she told me were lies, I decided not to sign when the delivery boy sending the encyclopedia and send out legal confirm letter.

  1. I inquired my cousin for positive answers, and I got it.
  2. I decided to send out legal confirm letter for giving it an end.
  3. My plan worked, rather than one of the sale’s terrible alternatives.


I. Some time we would be puzzled by the sales, even believe their words, like me, but we should always try to save from the worse, don’t give up early.

(revised) A6310 section B 蔡依璇 Speech Plan 1

10/17 Speech Plan

Topic: The Experience of Being a Counselor in My Summer Vacation

I. Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
My audience will be interest in how to be a counselor, what happened during the camp, or how to get along with foreign friends. The experience can give my audience the concept of how to treat foreigners.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will use 5 wh- questions to help me organize my speech. I will share them with examples while facing different cultures.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Some of my classmates have gone to place where I went during the camp. It may be another experience for them.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will provide examples of how foreign teenagers thought differently from us Taiwanese and how some events influenced me.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They may be interested in what a counselor did to guide foreign teenagers on the camp.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
My audience may have a typical thought about foreign teenagers, who are more independent; however, human nature is the same; I met with many foreigners who are usually out of control.

II. Speech outline

1. Specific Goal
I would like my audience to know the experience of being a counselor and that people coming from different countries can still respect others' culture.

2. Introduction
A. Why this summer vacation's experience meant so special for me.
B. The establishment of the program was to help overseas teenagers develop understanding of Taiwanese culture.

3. Thesis Statement
I lead these kids into the core of Taiwanese culture and that I learned how to respect the cultural differences as well.

4. Body
A. What a counselor's responsibility was.
B. The most valuable things I got was that I learned how to respect the cultural differences; and I will provide 2 examples.
a. Foreign teenagers liked to wear flip-flops.
b. How my member appreciated the temple.

5. Conclusion
Through the experiences of flip-flops and local temple, I realized that cultural communication existed only when one respected each other. And I did have a good time in my summer vacation.

A6310 Section B 奚樂芸 Speech Plan No. 1

A6310 Section B
49482035奚樂芸 Speech Plan No. 1

Topic: Tall Girls' Problems

Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

Though I don't think most of my audience will ever have the chance to be a tall girl like me, I do believe they have encountered some problems which were induced by any part of their appearance.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I'll take my life experience as an example to help them imagine what kind of life a tall girl would have.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

My audience or you can say most of the people I know complain about there height, their weight or anything has to do with the appearance.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

I am always to be the tallest girl in the class and 172 cm is definitely tall enough to make people believe me.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

There are lots of people keep telling me that they wish they could be as tall as I am. They think everything will go well as long as they are tall(at least at the appearance part).

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

I don't worry about my pronunciation actually, but I do worry about whether my audience can exactly catch the meaning I'm trying to express. I'll try not to make them misunderstand my points.

Speech Outline

Speech goal: I'm going to share my daily life experiences to help my audience gain more ideas about tall girls' life, and then they would know it is not perfect to be tall because that makes me different from others. But we are different in somewhere no matter it's about physical or mental features. Through this chance I hope we can learn to see and respect our differences.


I. I'm 172cm tall, and most of my audience is shorter than me.

II. There is a 13cm bridge between me and average Taiwanese girls (about 159.5cm)

III. What kind of situations or experiences my audience will never have, but me, a tall girl experience everyday. So welcome to the tall girl's world.

Thesis Statement:

I want to point out the difference between me and my audience by my life experiences so that they can start to notice that we are all different, and then learn to appreciate that.


I. It's difficult to find a boy partner who is tall enough for me.

A. Average Taiwanese boy is 171.6cm, so it's not easy for me to have a boy friend.

B. Though I want to do the ball-room dance, but with the high-heels I can hardly find a male partner.

II. The problems I'll have when buying clothes or wearing a high-heels.

A. Clothes are made for the average people, so I have hard time getting a perfect fit one.

B. when I'm wearing high-heels on the street, I may receive some "looks" which are not pleasant or even uncomfortable. People would see me like a giant or something.

III. The unfairness I'll encounter when people arrange the position or seats at taking photos or in the class.

A. I always sat in the back of the class when I was young, for the teachers like to arrange seats by height.

B. when taking photos with many people, I never stand in the front.

IV. Things I want the most: eye contact and decent greetings.

A. Tall girls or boys often hump their back only for having eye contact with others.

B. I seldom receive a greeting which has nothing to do with my height. People always care about my height and ignore the others.


I think my ultimate purpose is not just introduce my life to my audience but to tell them that even our physical features could make our lives totally different. They probably don't experience the things or problems I have just shared. So, I hope we can start to see our differences and then learn to respect and appreciate others' "stand point of view."

A6310 section A 49382045 章瑋 Speech plan No.1

Speech plan

Speech title: My experience in preparing our annual play

Name: Wendy

Audience adaptation:

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

  They will get to know how to prepare the Annual play.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will divide the preparation into five stages and explain them one by one.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

Most of the audiences are juniors and they are preparing their Annual play now.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?

I will use my own experience and give some examples.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

They may be interested in this experience since they are planning their play now.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Since all of us are not native speakers, using English to give a speech may cause apprehension and inefficient delivery.

Specific speech goal:

I want to share my own experience in preparing our Annual play, "Noises off."


Good morning, Professor Chen and classmates, today I 'm going to talk about my personal experience. Few weeks ago I saw our juniors were voting for their Annual play's script, this reminds me of our preparation for Annual play. Therefore I'm going to share my experience in preparing our Annual play, Noises off.

Thesis statement:

I'm in costume designing group, for our group, the preparation can be divided into five stages.


First of all we have to read the whole script

   A. It's not the script editors' responsibility.

   B. By reading the script, we can understand each character's personality and

     Movements as well as the play's background and setting in order to design the

     most suitable costumes.

     1. Different colors present different characters in "Noises Off."

Second, we have to search some picture of clothes.

   A. we look for some pictures to inspire us.

     1. Visit some websites.

   B. We collect some pictures of clothes we think may be suitable for our actors.

The third stage, discuss with our director.

A. We share our ideas with our director and vice versa.

The fourth stage is to find those clothes we have decided.

   A. It's the most difficult stage.

      1. For example, the purple suit.

   B. We have limited budget.

The final stage is to let our actors try on the costumes.

   A. We evaluate whether the clothes look good on the actors or not.


We have gone through these stages more than once. For me, of course I feel depressed when I couldn't find the clothes and I feel frustrated when the items have been rejected. Whenever you encounter this, you have to keep one thing in mind, that is, you're not the only one who got so many works to do. Everyone feels tired and stressful. However, we're lucky enough to have so many people work together. And when you see the play is finally presented successfully on the stage. You will know it's worthwhile. And you will find that your classmates are not your classmates anymore, they are your family.

A6310 SectionB 49482005 高淑真Speech Plan No.02

Audience Adaptation Plan

Topic: My exotic working experience

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think my audience will be interested about the topic since we are English majors and mostly are eager to know more about content of the program.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will use examples and personal experiences to let audience comprehend more.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

Since we are English majors, most of us are eager to know about any kinds of experience in foreign countries, especially for Western countries. So, no matter what they are, maybe studying in language school or "work and travel program," students are willing to know more it.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

I will provide examples and use an object (a name tag) in reality to show my experience more vividly.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

They might be curious about my experience, and expecting any interesting events.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Since we all learn English for a long time, I think audience will understand the speech mostly, but I will try to articulate correctly still. Besides, I think there are no culture differences between us.

Speech Outline

Specific goal:

I am going to share my interesting and exotic working experience in the U.S. I hope my audience could know the program more, too.


On this summer vacation, every one has his or her memories and I am going to introduce my own special experience.


I. My expectation and frustration

A. I will introduce the background of my working place.

B. On the first working day, I felt very frustrated.

a. I was not familiar with the place

b. I needed to work for long hours.

II. My adaptation to the new environment

A. My co-workers all treated me very well.

B. I made a lot of international friends.

III. My entertainment

A. My friends and I went to a lot of entertainment parks in our free time.

a. We went to Universal all for free since we were employees of Sea World.

b. We exchange Sea World tickets with Hong Kong employees in Disney World so that we could go into Disney World for free, too.


All in all, I felt very happy in this trip. It had become one of my most unforgettable memories in my college. I encourage others to join this kind of program to expand worldview.

Speech Plan 49482007 吳芷婷

Speech plan


1.      How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think that most of us had such experience of losing our beloved ones.

2.  How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will introduce a little story to my audience members that that can recall the feeling s they might had with their grandparents.

3.  What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

We have to face the truth that our beloved ones might leave us forever someday.

4.         What I can do to enhance my credibility?

My grandfather and I had those good days.

5.  What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

That might be a little sad.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

I do not think so, we speak the same language. Further more, we have studied English for so many years.


Speech outline


Specific goal: We might lose our beloved ones someday. I have experienced such heartbroken feeling and I want to share with the audience members how I overcome the sorrow when I lost my grandfather.


I. The days I spent with my grandfather when I was a little girl.

II. The days I spent with my grandfather when I was in my adolescence.



I. The day when I heard of my grandfather's death.

A. The first Chinese New Year I have without my grandfather.

B. My reaction of the bad news and the only thing I could do.

II. The days after my grandfather's death.

A. Time passed and I gradually forgot.

B. I try to remember and try to catch the pieces of my memories.


Conclusion: When I lost my grandfather I did not know how to face the truth that my grandfather had passed away and I would never see him again. However, I realize that he will not disappear as long as I still miss him, he will live in my heart forever and ever.


(A6310) Section B 49282016陳秀慧speech plan 1

Section B

Speech Plan No. 1
Topic: My working experience has benefited me a lot.
Audience Adaptation
1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
I think that doing a part-time job is an experience a college student must have during the four years. They might want to know what benefit a temp job can bring to a person.
2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will share my personal working experience, and how these experiences influence me.
3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Most of my classmates have a part-time job, or they used to be a part-timer.
4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?
I used to do eight kinds of different part-time job, most of my term of service is over half year, and the longest term is two years as a waitress in Din Tai Fung.
5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They might think I am a workaholic and crazy about job.
6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
Although we major in English, speaking fluent English without the interruption in front of people on the stage still remains a great challenge to us. I will try my best to pronounce clearly to let the audience understand what I am talking about.
Speech Outline
Speech goal: I would like my audience to know how the experiences of doing part-time jobs benefit me.
I. I want to know that what is your intention to be a part-timer?
II. I'm not a workaholic, I get tired sometimes, but I'll never stop to work.
III. The main idea I want share with you today is what I benefit from my working experience.
Thesis Statement:
I will introduce my audience what I have learned from my working experience technically and mentally.
I. I used to work in the textile company and the EDWIN, a jeans store.
A. I see and touch many kinds of textile; I know different kinds of textile then.
B. I learnt how to use tailor machine and sew.
C. I start to develop my interesting about fashion, and I also learn how to draw the paper pattern to make dress.
II. With many experience, you might think I am an extrovert person. The answer is not.
A. I get shy and blush easily when I talk to stranger or someone I'm not familiar for more than 1 minute.
B. I think that part-time job is a way to challenge myself to talk to people, or talk to foreigner.
III. By the way of communicating and working, I become more familiar with human affair.
A. I gradually know hoe to get along with others.
B. I become understanding and considerate than before.
C. I know how to control my temper when someone irritates me.
I think the working experience makes me grow a lot, and leave me amount of memories, no matter it is good or bad, they are treasurable. Although every job has its joys and sorrows, the feeling differs from people to people. Only when you put yourself in can you experience the growth a job brings to you. Though most of my time is occupied by the part-time job, the experience cannot replace by money or anything.

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