2007年10月24日 星期三

張容蓉--Speech Plan—Personal Experience

Speech Plan—Personal Experience



1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think my classmates might have gone through once before, excepting that the end is different.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will share them with details of my experience, front and back.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

All of us had been promoted at least once; they might be familiar with my situation.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

Share them with my personal experience might be helpful

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

They might think my speech was too lengthy. Because they all had knew it pretty well.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

It might cause some comprehension problem to deliver my speech in English and I might be not able to describe my story vividly.

Speech Outline

Specific goal: I want to share my experience of being promoted, and how I get rid of it.


I. I had been promoted by a sale and almost buy the products.

II. I think some time we cannot handle the promoting problem and some smooth sales simply because we don’t have enough experience and are lack of related knowledge.

Thesis statement: I don’t buy her words of course, when I tried to cancel my order; while I don’t know what to do against her neither. In the end, I retrieve her promoting by legal confirm letter.


I. at first I did not choose face-to-face to the sale, because she was so smooth that I could not possibly talk her away.

A. I wanted to cancel my order to an expensive encyclopedia but been refused directly by the sales.

B. she provided a lot of alternatives for drawing my intention for canceling the bill, even threatened me.

C. when I found out it was impossible for me to persuade her; I looked for my alternative, too.

II. After I made sure all she told me were lies, I decided not to sign when the delivery boy sending the encyclopedia and send out legal confirm letter.

  1. I inquired my cousin for positive answers, and I got it.
  2. I decided to send out legal confirm letter for giving it an end.
  3. My plan worked, rather than one of the sale’s terrible alternatives.


I. Some time we would be puzzled by the sales, even believe their words, like me, but we should always try to save from the worse, don’t give up early.
