2008年1月5日 星期六

A6310 SECTION A 49482044 張如瑩 SPEECH PLAN NO.3

Persuasive speech plan

Speech title: Keep a good stance!


Audience Adaptation Plan


1.      Audience attitude: I believe that most of my audience knows much about how to keep a good stance but they do not pay attention to it. They do not take it as a habit. A bad stance may not impact on them now, but gradually they will feel the pain that a bad stance should bring to them. My purpose is to let them know the importance of keeping a good stance.


2.      Reasons: I believe that the five examples that are most likely to convince my audience are keeping a good stance when sitting, standing, sleeping, moving things, and controlling weight.

3.      Selecting an organization to meet audience attitude: I have organized my speech in a way that my audience will know the importance of keeping a good stance and what will become if they have Scoliosis.


Speech outline


Speech goal: I want to convince members of audience that keeping a good stance in their daily lives is important.



I.                   I believe that most of you must have heard of Scoliosis before, but do you know what may cause your spine curved like the pictures you see?

II.                In our daily lives, we sometimes feel that our waist or back are aching, but do you know the reason of that?

III.             Keeping a good stance is important because it can lead you to a healthier life.


Thesis statement: Keeping a bad stance would cause some bad influences; therefore, we should learn how to keep a good stance in every aspect so that we will not end in wearing braces or doing spinal surgery.



I.                   Before learning how to keep a good stance in every aspect, we should know what Scoliosis is.

A.     First of all, we bend down to check whether our spine is straight or not.

B.     If your spine is straight, then it is normal; if it curves like a "C" or "S", then you may have the chance to have Scoliosis.

C.     Scoliosis may have these bad influences on your body, if you tend to keep a bad stance.

1.      Your body shapes would become abnormal and shapeless.

2.      You may often have waist ache or back ache.

3.      Scoliosis may oppress your nerves and cause other diseases.

II.                You should keep a correct stance when sitting.

A. Your back and bottom should stay close to the back of the chair.

B. You should not cross your legs when sitting.

C. You should straighten up your back and keep a good distance when playing computer.

III.    You should keep a correct stance when standing.

A. When standing, you should not hump your back.

B. When standing, you should have a balanced and upright posture.

C. You should not have rounder shoulders, sway back, or flat back.

D. Try not to wear high heels because it may cause Scoliosis.

IV.    You should try to keep a good stance when sleeping.

A. When you sleep with your face upward, try to put a small pillow under your knees.

B. When you sleep with your face downward, try to put a small pillow under your belly.

C. When you sleep with your face sided, try to bend your knees.

V.     You should keep a good stance when moving things.

A. When you want to take a heavy thing from the floor, remember to squat.

B. When you are holding a heavy thing, always straighten up you back and keep the thing close to your body.

C. When you want to take a thing from a high place, you should stand on a chair to get it.

VI.     You should try to control your weight.

A. You should not gain too much weight like the people in the pictures because your spine may not be able to support your weight.

B. Control your weight does not mean you should become very skinny.

VII.                    If you do not follow the instructions above, you may have Scoliosis.

A. If you have Scoliosis, you will have to wear braces to cure it.

B.     On the other hand, if Scoliosis becomes serious, then you will have to take the spinal surgery.


Conclusion: Keeping a good stance in our daily lives is important because it can prevent us from getting Scoliosis and let us have a prettier body shapes. Besides, we will not have to worry about having waist or back ache. Therefore, let us keep a good stance when doing everything.







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2008年1月4日 星期五

A6310 SectionB 49482018 林娟如 Speech Plan NO.03

Topic: Oral Cavity Cancer
Audience Adaptation Plan
Audience analysis: My audiences are 20-year-old college students. They all see or know someone who smoke, drink, or chew betel nuts.
Background knowledge: Oral cavity cancer and other type of cancer become the main dead disease in Taiwan. Students in Taiwan all be taught at school or get the information from news about cancer and those bad ingredients that will cause cancer.
Creating and maintaining interest: I will share my personal experience with my audiences that my father recently gets oral cavity cancer to show them bad habits will not ruin our health but also our life. And I will show them some statistic and oral cavity patients' picture to strengthen the terribleness of oral cavity cancer.
Organization: The organizational pattern of my speech is the motivated sequence.
Building credibility: I build my credibility by my personal experience, the reports about oral cavity cancer, and the information and statistic from some health related website.
Motivation: The incentive I offer is that the audience can put more efforts to help people around them quit the bad habits and pay more attention to their health. Through the experience and the information I give to them they can reflect on the health's importance and influence to us, to our loved family and friends, and to our life.
Specific Goal: I want my audience to strongly persuade people around them to quit smoking, drinking, or chewing betel nuts.
I.            Is there any member of your family or your friends having the bad habits smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts?
II.         Recently something changed my family's life. Due to it, my father lost his health and my mother had to carry the heavy burden of family.
III.       It' "the hidden killer—cancer."
(We all know health is important. We also know smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts are harmful to our heath. But what will you do if your friend or family has those bad habits?)
Thesis Statement: We must help our loved ones to get rid of those bad habits, or they will ruin our loved ones' health and our life.
(Today I will focus on talking about oral cavity cancer because my father is sickened with it and it is influenced by those bad habits— smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts.)
I. What is oral cavity cancer?
 A. Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to
surrounding tissue.
B. In oral cavity cancer, cancerous cells are often found in tissues including
   1. Lips.
   2. Throat.
   3. Tongue.
   4. Hard palate.
   5. Soft palate.
   6. Tonsil.
C. And the cells might extend to other region, such as nose and neck.
II. Three common ingredients which will ruin our health.
A. They all will lead to oral cavity cancer.
1. Betel nuts.
2. Alcohol.
3. Cigarettes.
(Please look at this comic on the power point. Then you can see…)
 B. Betel nuts are the primal reason for oral cavity cancer.
   1. 90% of oral cavity cancer patients have the habit of chewing betel nuts.
   2. The ingredients of betel nuts will stimulate oral mucosa and canker it.
(Basing on the statistic from Bureau of Health Promotion…)
C. Oral Cavity Cancer has become one of the top 10 dead diseases in these 10 years.
  1. 1992 to 2002
  2. The number of oral cavity cancer patient rises from 1700 to 4700 people.
  3. The number of death toll rises from 1000 to 2200 people.
(Another statistic from the Bureau of Health Promotion also shows that…)
D. People who chew betel nuts, drink alcohol, or smoke have higher risk of getting oral cavity cancer.
  1. Chew betel nuts: 28 times risk than normal people.
  2. Chew betel nuts & drink alcohol: 54 times risk than normal people
  3. Chew betel nuts & smoke: 89 times risk than normal people
  4. Chew betel nuts & drink alcohol & smoke: 123 times risk than normal people
(Do you know how many happy families' hearts are broken by oral cavity cancer? According to the cancer registry report…)
III. No health, no life.
A. Heart-broken families
  1. Over 4700 families are informed that their family member affect oral cavity
  2. Among them more than 2000 families lose their beloved ones.
(According to the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation…)
B. Oral cavity cancer patients are suffering.
1. The pain of illness and surgery.
2. The change of life.
a. The way they eat and drink,
b. The way they speak,
c. Their appearance, and
d. Their income sources.
(Do you want your beloved one to be one of the cancer patients? Do you want your family or friend to suffer from illness? You can do something before everything is too late.)
 C. Beware of the symptoms of oral cavity cancer.
1. Lumps in the lips, mouth, or gums
2. A sore in the mouth that doesn't heal
3. Bleeding or pain in the mouth
4. A visible tumor in the mouth, or on the tongue or lips
5. Weight loss
6. A soreness or feeling that something is caught in the back of the throat
7. Difficulty chewing or swallowing, speaking, or moving the jaw or tongue
8. Chronic sore throat, changes in the voice, or hoarseness
9. A lump in the neck
 D. You should help people around you.
    1. Help them know the serious harm that smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts will do to their health.
2. Help them quit those bad habits by
     a. Cutting down the amount of betel nuts, alcohol, or cigarettes,
     b. Finding a substitute to refresh, such as gum or coffee.
Do you want your family to live happy life? Please remember no health, no life!
Health Information Center at the Cleveland Clinic <www.clevelandclinic.org/health/ >
uho悠活健康網 <http://www.uho.com.tw/>

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2008年1月2日 星期三

A6310 Section A 49382045 章� Speech Plan No. 3

Persuasive Speech Plan

Speech title: Smoking, just like heaven? Or hell?

Name: Wendy

Specific speech goal:

I want to convince my audience that smoking can do nothing but hurt their health.

Besides, I hope they can stop others from smoking after they listen to my speech.

Proposition: Proposition of fact

Audience adaptation

Audience attitude:

People all know that smoking is harmful. However, lots of people still smoke. Some may think that little smoking will not cause any negative effect. Some may take smoking as a "stress releaser" or a sign of maturity. Still a great number of people admit that smoking is unwelcome, but do not know that smoking is indeed deadly. People around twenty years old like us would easily fall into this kind of myth. They may think that a little bit smoking will not lead to any damage to their health, what is more, in their opinions, think also feel that they can easily get rid of cigarettes when they are get tired with them.



I firmly believe that the three key points I am going to raise are convincible―the reason why it is hard for people to quit smoking, the two most serious diseases with high possibility of leading to death, and persuading people not to smoke is a matter not only raised in local organization but also brought up by the government. After hearing these, my audience would perceive that they also have to take actions―stop smoking and stop others from smoking.

Creating and maintaining interest:

I will use some authentic pictures of heart disease and lung cancer, providing some examples to my audience. Also, I will use some rhetorical questions to raise my audience's interest.

Selecting an organization to meet audience needs:

Given that the majority of my audience seemed unsure about the consequences, I decided to use logos, pathos and ethos as my persuasion sequence to support my arguments. In my speech, I will cite several statistical numbers to prove smoking do result in negative effects on our health. (logos) And then I will introduce two diseases, appealing to them keeping away from smoking. (pathos) By the end of my speech, I will provide my own experience of going through my grandfather's cancer. (ethos)

Organizational patterns―Statement of Reasons Pattern


Speech outline


I hope no one smokes here, if you do, today will be the best day to quit it.

This topic may be a cliché, but I think it will just be too good to raise this again and again.

Cigarette has been an accepted poison in Taiwan.

Thesis statement:

I will introduce the most harmful ingredient in cigarette first, then point out the two most serious diseases resulted from smoking, and at last I will talk about the actions that our government has done to exhort public not to smoke.


According to the survey, there are four thousand chemicals in cigarette. However, it is generally assumed that the major motivational factor behind smoking is the nicotine it contains.

   A. Nicotine is addictive, that's why it is so hard for smokers to quit smoking.

   B. A person who inhales 60 to 70 milligrams of nicotine at one time would die.

   C. Inhaling nicotine consistently could damage your brain, blood vessel and your heart.


There are tons of diseases resulted from smoking, I will just talk about the two most serious ones

A. Since heart is the one keeping people alive, let's see how smoking does harm to it.

       1. Smoking also increases the chance of heart disease

    B. Smoking can also lead to lung cancer.

      1. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death.

2. 87% lung cancer can be attributed to smoking.

      3. There are some symptoms that suggest lung cancer.

Since smoking is so pernicious, our government has taken some actions on

persuading public not to smoke.

A. The government has printed some warning sentences and pictures on the packages of cigarette.

B. the government has passed the law bans people to smoke in public area.


In Al Gore's film, he provides his sister as an example of smoking.

Second-hand Smoking can lead heart disease and lung cancer.

An example of my grandfather's smoking experience.

Smoking does nothing but makes one suffer.

External sources:

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_of_tobacco_smoking

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lung_cancer#Signs_and_symptoms

4. http://blog.no-tobacco.chshb.gov.tw/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId


5. http://www.yck2.edu.hk/nosmoke/harm.htm

A6310 Section B 尤雅惠 49482029 Speech Plan No.3 revised

Audience Adaptation Plan
1. Audience analysis: Almost all my audience is from university, and according to my interview to many college students, they really sleep very late. Thus, I think this situation is very serious and I want them to understand more about this issue.
2. Background knowledge: In fact, even though staying up is a common failing among college students, they all know that staying up is not good for health.
3. Creating and maintaining interest: I will start with two rhetorical questions to let them think to themselves. Moreover, I put some interesting and provoking pictures to attract my audience's attention.
4. Organization: I will begin with the definition of staying up, the introduction of the bad habit—staying up, the six main disadvantages of staying up, the supplements for staying up, and then the conclusion.
5. Building credibility: I found some studies from the Net, and I also did a little study myself—I asked fifty college students about their sleeping habit. I will mention and cite my sources during my speech.
6. Motivation: I strongly recommend my audience that staying up is a bad habit; try their best not to do it.
Topic: Staying up is harmful to our health.
Specific goal: I want my audience to understand that staying up is not healthy.
I. How many of you really understand the definition of staying up?
II. How many of you have the habit of staying up late?
III. Do you really understand the disadvantages of staying up late?
Thesis statement: People should not stay up because staying up would cause many disadvantages.
I. The definition of staying up.
A. According to Ms.賴姿吟, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, going to bed over 11 pm at night might be considered as staying up.
II. Staying up has become a bad habit among modern people.
A. Generally, college students might not go to sleep until 12, or even later..
B. Some people work very hard, for example, working overtime. Thus, they go to sleep late.
C. Some children sleep late because their parents sleep late, according to the news,〈補習、看電視、打電動想早睡也難〉, in Chinatimes on October 3 of 2007.
III. Disadvantages of staying up.
A. About health
i. The first disadvantage—headache.
ii. The second disadvantage—liver becomes worse.
iii. The third disadvantage—the decline of immune system.
iv. The fourth disadvantage—the decline of fertility.
v. The fifth disadvantage—the increase of the possibility of suffering chronic diseases.
B. About energy
i. Staying up would waste energy because people would turn on
the light, computer, TV all night long.
C. About relationship with others
i. Disputes with others who people live with because of different life style.
ii. Staying up would make people get mad easily, so they tend to lose their temper.
D. About the day after staying up.
i. People would have bad mood because they do not sleep well.
ii. People cannot concentrate their work or learning.
IV. Advantages of going to bed early.
A. Stay healthy.
B. Saving energy.
C. Good relationship with others.
D. Have a good spirit the next day.
V. Therefore, try your best not to stay up.
吳于珊 (2007103)。〈補習、看電視、打電動 想早睡也難〉。中國時報。
瑟琳娜 ( 2007410 )。〈熬夜族健康生活攻略〉。健康100電子報。
歐陽英 (2007329)。〈熬夜的危害〉。歐陽英樂活生機網。
陳德如 (20051月日 ) 。〈熬夜不利健康〉。大紀元。

A6310 Section B 高淑真 49482005 Speech Plan No.3

A6310 Section B 高淑真 49482005 Speech Plan No.3

Persuasive speech

Speech title: We should support legal same-sex marriage         


Audience Adaptation Plan

1.      Audience attitude: Nowadays, more and more homosexuals are eager to have a legal marriage in Taiwan, maybe many of them are you or your friends.  But right now same-sex marriage is not legal yet in Taiwan.  However, some countries and some cities had admitted same-sex marriage.  So making audience understand the importance, abandoning biases and then supporting legal marriage in Taiwan are my goals.

2.      Reasons: No doubt that legal same-sex marriage is a trade all over the world, especially for developed countries.  However, in Taiwan most people could not accept homosexuals, not to mention legal marriage.  But since it's a problem we will meet in the near future, we should understand more about it and following support same-sex marriage. 

3.      Selecting an organization to meet audience needs: First, I will tell audience that most homosexuals are eager to have legal marriage certificate, but right now in Taiwan it's not legalized.  But in many developed countries and cities have legalized the marriage.  Second, if we do not legalize same-sex marriage, their rights will be damaged.  For example, they can not adopt children.  Third, I will tell audience how many benefits the society will obtain if same-sex marriage is legal.  Finally, I hope we can give up bias and support legal same-sex marriage.



1. Speech goal: I would like to convince audience that we should support legal same-sex marriage in Taiwan.

2. Introduction:

 I. Homosexuals can be tracked back to Chun-Qiu dynastic in East.  In West, homosexual marriage can be tracked back to late 20th century.

 II. Nowadays, most people can accept homosexuals more widely, but still some

people have misunderstandings at all.

 III. Besides, only by "legal" same-sex marriage can help homosexuals get the same rights with heterosexuality.

4.      Thesis statement: Legal homosexual marriage is a trade all over the world.  But it's still a taboo or myth in Taiwan.  Therefore, I will use many examples and different concepts to support legal homosexual marriage. 

5.      Body:

  I. According to Wikipedia, many countries and cities have legislated same-sex marriage, including Netherland, Belgium, Spain, San Francisco and so on.

A. In Taiwan, government were trying to pass a draft of "same-sex marriage," but failed in the end.

 II. There are several benefits of legal same-sex marriage

A.    Reduce suicide rate

B.     Reduce venereal disease such as AIDS

C.     Strengthen loyalty and trust of same-sex partner

D.    Gain social support

 III. If same-sex marriage is not legal, many problems appears.

A.     Someone is going to have a major operation, could his/her partner sign agreement while his/ her relatives are far away

B.    They could not obtain decent while their partner is passed away.

C.     Their basic human rights are deprived.

6. Conclusion

  In the end, we should give up our bias as well as discrimination.  We need to view them as the same as us.  Also, supporting them to have normal marriage just like us.   

7. Sources




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