2007年11月26日 星期一

A6310 Section B 陳佩詒 Speech Plan No.2

A6310 Section B
陳佩詒 Speech Plan No. 2

Topic: Friends


I. Adaptation Plan

A. Speaking directly to the audience: I will speak directly to the audience and have eye contact with them.
B. Building credibility: I love Friends so much that my passion will revealed in my speech and i will show them that i am entitled to deliver this speech.
C. Getting and maintaining interest: I will get everyone's attention by introdicing how successful Friends is, and the relationship between one another is also very interesting.
D. Facilitating understanding: i will use powerpoint to show my audience every character, and introduce them clearly.
E. Increasing retention: i will use visual aids to increase retention, and i also will make a conclusion.
II. Speech Outline

A. Specific Goal: I want my audience to understand more about Friends, not only the relationship between Phoebe and one another, but also why could it be so successful.
B. Introduction:
1. At first, i will introduce the plots and setting of Friends.
2. I will lead my audience into the characteristics of the roles.

C. Thesis statement: By introducing the relationship between Phoebe and the others.  I want my audience know better about Friends more than hillarious, it is also very inspiring and full of love.
D. Body: Introducing the relationshups between one another, and some interesting events.

E. Conclusion: Friends is not just a comedy, it's like the lives of our lives.  Simple, plain, usual.  Their lives ain't all that happy, they all got frustrated at times, but it is their personality and friendship that turned everything into laugher.   when we watch friends, we cry with them, we laugh with them, and we sympathize with them.

F: Sources:
wikipedia online: Friends cafe, the official website of Friends

A6310 SectionB 49482034 林品侖 Speech Plan No.2

A 6310
Section B
Speech Plan No.2
Informative Speech: A Good house is hard to Find
Adaptation Plan:
1. Speaking directly to the audience: I will speak directly to my audience. Throughout the speech, I will speak slowly so that the audiences can understand the information I want to convey.
2. Building credibility: I will use my own experiences in finding houses to make my points stronger. And then I will use the information I found on the internet to enhance my credibility.
3. Getting and maintaining interest: I will raise some rental questions which are strongly relative to my audience, students in NTPU. After getting their interest, I will convey my points carefully and orderly so that my audience can easily follow me.
4. Facilitating understanding: I will take the class through each step slowly and carefully. I will let my audience understand my speech more by putting points on the PowerPoint. In this way, they can know things that should be cautious about while finding houses easily. Although they may be bored toward the topic, I will use changes of tone to impress them.
5. Increasing retention: Use of PowerPoint may help retention. And I will repeat the main points several times to enhance my audience's impression.
Speech Outline
Specific Goal: I would like my audience to know things that should be considered while finding houses outside.
I. The residential demands for students in NTPU has become far more than before.
II. I am the one who have the experience finding houses outside school.
III. When finding houses, asking yourselves "1W2Hs" gives you clear instructions.
Thesis Statement: I will let my audience understand the key points to find a suitable house. There are three key points in finding houses; I call these key points "1W2Hs", which means "Where to get the information?", "How to save your money?" and "How to evaluate the house?"
I. Where can we get housing information?
A. School clubs that are established to solve students' residential problems.
B. The Advertisement, written in black, often posted on the street bulletin board.
C. The information delivered by the network of students, like the relationship of direct subordination between students.
D. The information posted on residential websites and school BBS.
II. How to save your money?
A. Replace the time by the space. Try to find houses in the nearby cheaper rental areas if you have your own conveyance.
B. To consider houses located along the MRT line. It has become a new trend in finding houses.
C. Try to find the houses that are family style. In this way, you can share the rent together.
III. How to evaluate the house?
A. You have to check whether the fire-prevention facilities are okay or not.
B. You have to make an observation on the ambient environment of the house, which includes the complexity of the neighborhood, the convenience of the transportation or the composition of the community.
C. You have to look carefully on the inner structure of the house, including leaks on the wall, chaps on the floor or the usability of all the housekeeping facilities.
Conclusion: It is a trouble for students to find houses outside school. However, just bear the "1W2Hs" in mind, the trouble can turn out into a good dream.
北大蝸牛社 <http://web.ntpu.edu.tw/~ntpudhc/new/index.php>
崔媽媽租屋服務網 <http://www.tmm.org.tw/rent/rent.htm>

2007年11月25日 星期日

A6310 Section A 49482022 林玉書 Speech Plan No. 2

Informative speech

Speech title: Simple introduction of visual illusion.

Adaptation Plan

1.          Speaking directly to the audience:
I will speak directly to my audience throughout the speech. I'll go slowly and clearly to make sure my audience can know what I'm delivering.

2.          Building credibility:
I'll show my audience the information about visual illusion which I find and aggregate from many websites. I'll also show some example figures to make them understand and identify what I'm talking about.

3.          Getting and maintaining interest: I'll show one interesting picture about visual illusion to attract my audience's attention first. In the process of the speech, I'll use more example pictures to make my audience retain their interest.

4.          Facilitating understanding: I'll slowly and clearly explain what visual illusion is, and provide enough examples to make them understand. By using the visual aids of the pictures, my audience themselves can experience the effect of optional illusion. In the short time speech, I'll prepare the most basic categories of optional illusion to share with them and make them have basic understanding.

5.          Increasing retention: Using visual aids at the very start can help the audience have strong impression on my topic. I'll use different kinds of pictures to show them the tricky visual perception to make them have retention.


Speech Outline

SPECIFIC SPEECH GOAL: I want my audience to know what optional illusion is.


I.            Before the speech, I want to show you one picture which is about my topic.

II.          The visual perception which misleads you is visual illusion, which is different from illusion.

III.        Visual illusion is natural to human beings, while of you only have illusion, you have to go to see a doctor.

THESIS STATEMENT: The three major categories of visual illusion can make people have different kinds of visual illusions; pavement drawings which apply visual illusion are also amazing works.


I.            The first major category of visual illusion is visual illusion of geometry.
A. The illusion of angle and direction make you have false perception about the right angle or right direction.
B. The cause of the illusion of length, distance and area is because length, width, height, or distance makes you have wrong perception, and thus think the object is bigger or smaller than it actually is.   
C. The illusion of straightness and curvature make you misperceive the straight lines to curves and curves become even more curved.
D. The illusion of assimilation and contrast is that the size of subject our eyes perceived would be misled by the objects which assimilate or contrast it.

II.          The second major category of visual illusion is figure-ground and ambiguous Figure.
A. Figure-ground is to make the background becomes the subject of the picture and make the background becomes the subject.
B. Ambiguous figure is a picture which can have two interpretations at a time

III.        The third major category of visual illusion is illusions of contradiction.
A: The illusion-of-contradictory pictures look three-dimensional in the picture but are impractical in reality.

IV.        Pavement drawings also apply visual illusion.

Now that you know what visual illusion is, you can apply it in your daily life to make your life more interesting, and furthermore, you don't have to worry about whether you have eye disease or not when having visual illusion.



Illusion? Visual Illusion? < http://www.mdnkids.com/classboard/wsee/wsee.htm>

Pavement Drawing < http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm>
Wikipedia Visual Illusion <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_illusion >

錯視教材綱要 < http://tart.ntua.edu.tw/game/graphic/huang-zhao-shen/org/lookart/n4.htm>

A6310 Section A 49482022 林玉書 Speech Plan No. 1

Personal Experience

Speech title: My experience of hard sell.

Audience Adaptation

1.     How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
My audiences have experiences of being pushed to buy something on the street, so I think my experience can help them know how to cope with this kind of situation.

2.     How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will tell them my personal experiences with simple diction clearly and carefully.

3.     What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Commonly, everyone thinks that the salespersons on the street are annoying. They're just like a flock of flies which can't be expel away.

4.     What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will tell them my personal experiences vividly, making them feel like in the same situation.

5.     What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They will have empathy because most of them have this kind of experiences.

6.     What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
There is no culture difference between my audience and me. Besides, I'll try to use clear and simple diction to convey my ideas. I'll also pronounce every single words clearly and vividly.


Specific goal: I'd like to tell my audience my experience of hard sell, and how to cope with situations like this.


I.            Many people have the experience of being stopped on the street and pushed to buy something.

II.          I have many experiences of this kind many times.

III.        From those lessons, I've gradually learned how to deal with situations this.

Thesis statement:

I'd like to share two of my experiences of hard sell, and tell them the change of my attitude toward the salesperson from the two events.


I.            My first time of being pushed to buy something happened at Taipei train station.
A. I was forced to buy a charity pen which cost 2000 dollars.
  1. The salesperson tried every endeavor to persuade me to buy the
    useless pen.
  2. When I was about to take out the money from my pocket, a woman
    came to help me out of this trouble.
  3. I was thankful for the woman, and I decided if I was in the same
    situation again, I had to help myself out.

II.          One day I went window shopping with my sister, we encountered a hard-sell salesperson again.
A. We were pushed to buy a discount card.
  1. I was indifferent to the salesperson, so he focused his fire on my sister.
  2. I tried to save my sister, so I said to the salesperson that we didn't need
    this card.
  3. The salesperson's face twisted with anger and he turned and walked
    away immediately.
  4. The same day at night, a piece of news on TV shocked me because it
    said that the discount card was fake, and I was glad we didn't buy it.


I.            I learned something from this experience.
A. First is, if you really don't want to buy the product, just say "no" firmly.
B. If you really want to donate your money for the poor, just go straight to the
  charity centers, so you don't have to doubt their credibility.

II.          I really learned how to deal with the unhappy situation from my own experience.