2007年12月6日 星期四

A6310 Section A 49382045 章瑋 Speech Plan No.2


Speech plan

Speech title: How to enjoy Tokyo Disneyland Park in one day.

Name: Wendy

Specific speech goal:

I hope my audience can enjoy their trips in Tokyo Disneyland Park at best when they

visit there, therefore I want to provide some useful methods to my audience to adapt

when they go to Tokyo Disneyland Park.

Audience adaptation

Speaking directly to the audience:

I will talk directly to them. Through the speech I will use personal pronouns to show that I am talking to my audience. Furthermore I will speak slowly and clearly in order to make sure that my audience can understand my speech.

Building credibility:

I will use my personal experience to show that I am familiar with my topic, and I will gather some gather some credible information which is from various sources (such as websites and guide book) to support my speech.

Getting and maintaining interest:

I will use some visual aids to attract my audience, for example, I will show some pictures and video clips which I took in Tokyo Disneyland Park.

Facilitating understanding:

I will explain each step clearly and precisely. By using my power point as my visual aids, I think my audience can get my ideas more easily because they can see the real things instead of just imaging what I am describing.

Increasing retention:

I will introduce the methods in my thesis statement, explain each step in the body and conclude the methods again in the ends. Again my visual aids would help my audience to remember the main points.

Speech outline


How big Tokyo Disneyland Park is.

People need a well-scheduled plan for traveling around Tokyo Disneyland Park in  one day.

Thesis statement:

I am going to introduce four methods in order to make a perfect schedule. First, browse the website. Second, decide which themed land you want to go the most. Third, decide which attractions you want to try in each themed land. Last, read the schedule of the parades and shows


Before you visit Tokyo Disneyland Park, you can browse their website first.

   A. You can get a general idea about the park.

     1. The website would show what the park looks like.

     2. You can download the map.

     3. You can see the upcoming events.

When you arrive at the park, decide which themed land you want to go first.

   A. According to Disneyland's website, there are seven themed lands in Tokyo Disneyland Park.

     1. The first one is the shopping heaven—world bazaar.

     2. Tomorrowland is a park filled with technology and science.

     3. Want to see Mickey Mouse and his friends? Then go to Toontown.

     4. If you are fond of fairy tales, fantasyland will be the top choice for you.

     5. You can experience a wild life in Critter Country.

     6. Have you ever envied those cowboys? You can be a cowboy in Westernland.

     7. Adventureland is the best place to go for those who are ready for safari.

   B. Of course, just choose the one you want to go the most.

     1. You have to make your priority.

     2. I suggest that you travel the park by following the order of the themed lands.

And then you can decide which attractions you want to try in each themed land.

A. According to the guide book, there are three attractions you must try.

  1. The first one is Splash Mountain in Critter Country.

  2. The second one is Big Thunder Mountain in Westernland.

  3. The third one is Space Mountain in Tomorrowland.

B. You can delete some repeated attractions.

  1. For example, Dumbo the flying elephant and Starjets are the same attractions in essence.

C. Some facilities have fast pass service.

  1. What is fast pass?

  2. How to get fast pass?

Don't forget to read the schedule of the parades and shows.

   A. There are variety of shows you can choose to see.

     1. For example, the show "Minnie oh Minnie."

   B. The parades are too wonderful to miss them.

      1. There are two parades during a day.



You will be able to arrange your itinerary efficiently.

You will definitely enjoy the most in Tokyo Disneyland Park in one day.


External sources:

1. http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/tdl/index_e.html

2. www.wretch/blog.austin1973 &article_id=20349451

3. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1406080104141

4. http://blog.xuite.net/billycat/medicicat/9169623#5530756

5. Mook自遊自在No.171 東京, 李若姮等著 何忠誠等攝影, 墨刻出版, 家庭傳 媒成邦分公司發行, 台北市2005

2007年12月5日 星期三

Plan 2 /49382028/林佩樺

Informative Speech Section A 49382028 林佩樺
Speech Topic: Picture the Sleep Pattern
Adaptation Plan:
1. Speaking directly to members of the audience:
I will use personal pronouns, and choose simple or
colloquial words to speak directly to my audience.
2. Building credibility:
First, I will tell my audience that I have been
interested in sleep studies since I suffered from
sleep paralysis few years ago. Secondly, I will
provide certified figures and patterns from prominent
sleep study institutions.
3. Getting and maintaining interest:
I will present pictures of brain
electroencephalography, and tell them some unusual but
interesting activities people do during their sleeps.
4. Facilitating understanding:
I will organize my speech in chronological order.
Furthermore, I will emphasize examples of the sleep
patterns in daily life rather than medical jargons.
5. Increasing retention:
I will present and repeat the sleep pattern to help my
audience retain the information I provide.

Speech Outline:
Speech Goal: My audience will know the sleep pattern
and its functions in human organism. sleep paralysis
I. Did you ever experience sleep paralysis. I did. Few
years ago, I suffered from sleep paralysis. It was
terrifying. I was awake and felt I was consistently
falling but I could not move a finger to stop it.
II. Instead of believing religious myth, I grew
interests in sleep studies such as, how people sleep
well, how sleep works, or why people sleep too little
fatty, any kind of studies about sleep.
III. I found science explanations to my sleeping
disorder; the answer lies in the sleep pattern.
Thesis statement: Sleep pattern cycles NREM (non-rapid
eye movement), consisting four stages, and REM (rapid
eye movement).
I. Four stages consist of NREM (non-rapid eye
A. First stage is light sleep, between being awake and
falling asleep.
B. Second, the onset of sleep, becoming disengaged
from surroundings.
C. The third stage functions primarily as a transition
into stage N4. This is the stage in which sleepwalking
and sleep-talking occur.
D. The last stage the deepest forms of sleep.

II. REM (rapid eye movement) First occurs about 90
minutes after falling asleep and recurs about every 90
minutes, getting longer later in the night
A. Brain is active and dreams occur and body becomes
immobile and relaxed, as muscles are turned off.
B. It is when sleep paralysis happens.
C. It Provides energy to brain and body and supports
daytime performance

III. NREM and REM repeats in a typical sleep.
A. They circle 3 to 4 times a night
B. The latter the cycle, the longer is the REM phrase.
I. A typical sleep consists 3 to 4 times of REM and
NREM phrases.
II. Each of stage of sleep serves different functions
and secrets assorted hormones.
III. Next time if you were awake parallelized during
your sleep, do not panic. You just happen to in the
REM phrase.
National Sleep Foundation:
State of Conscious
Psychology Department
Le Moyne College

馬上體驗全新Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱2.0。 http://tw.mg0.mail.yahoo.com/dc/landing

A6310 Section B 49282016 陳秀慧 Speech plan No.2

 A6310 Section B 49282016 陳秀慧 Speech plan No.2

Informative speech

1.            Speaking directly to the audience:
    I will speak to my audiences and use personal pronoun to communicate with             my audiences. And I will express as clearly as I can to make my audiences
        understand my speech.
2.            Building credibility:
        I enjoy stringing crystal bead and make some accessories. I will present my own       works and the crystal products I collected to my audiences
3.            Getting and maintaining interest:
        Despite of presenting my collection, I will use some visual aid I found; some of the visual aids are amazing and unbelievable.
4.            Facilitating understanding:
        I use the visual aid on the PowerPoint to intensify statements and my audiences         will have clearer understanding about the attractiveness of Swarovski crystal.
5.            Increasing retention:
       I will introduce more examples that have connection with crystal during our       daily life, and teach my audiences how to make a simple bling bracelet to     enhance my speech goal.
Speech Outline
        I would like my audiences realize the attractiveness of Swarovski and that it is   easy to access.
I.            A few years ago, I was attracted by the crystal, and I learnt how to string crystal bead.
II.         Crystal is not just the product of glass, it can make into many possibilities.
III.       Swarovski is the most renowned crystal brand. I won't tell a long history about this company, instead I want to share with you the charm of Swarovski crystal.
        I will let my audiences realizes that Swarovski crystal is attractive and easy to approach by telling the remarkable achievement in higher society, the spread of crystal in our daily life and presenting my few collection and works.
I.                   A highly glittery Swan
A.     Swarovski has cooperated with many well-known high fashion brands:
                CoCo Chanel, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior and so on.
B.     Swarovski also shines in the entertainment circle. Movie is the most apparent to find Swarovski
II.                You might feel what I talked above is far from our realistic life. What I am going to talk will prove that crystal can really sparkle our daily life easily.
A.     Swarovski sell all kinds of beads so you can make any accessories you want.
B.     You can also stick the crystal to anything you want to make a change.
III.             After my introducing about Swarovski, you might find that crystal sounds easier to access but it is harder to do by yourself.
A.     I will tell the easiest way to make a Swarovski crystal bracelet.
B.     If you want to do something more challenge, just coma and ask me!
        It is not hard and expensive to access the Swarovski crystal; crystal could spread in our daily lives easily as long as we make the best of our creativities. And by creativity we could make as shine as diamond but cost much less.
NydiaBling Bling 的手機貼鑚:打造華麗風。朱雀出版社,2007
Swarovski Sparkles
Swarovski Crystal


A6310 Section B 黃伊婷 Speech Plan No. 2

A6310 Section B 黃伊婷 Speech Plan No. 2


Topic: The Development of the Café


Adaptation Plan

Speaking directly to the audience

First I will show some common café logos to get my audience involved in what I am going to say.  Then I will deliver some interesting information to my audience from time to time to rouse their interest in the café.

Building credibility

I will use some quotations, statistics, simple stories, and documented sources to show my audience that I do have the credibility to elaborate the development of the café.

Getting and maintaining interest

In order to maintain my audience's interest, I will tell three real but simple stories, separately put at the beginning, in the middle, and in the end of my speech, and take the development of the coffee chains in Taiwan for instance to make my speech much closer to the audience's daily life.

Facilitating understanding

I will develop my speech in a temporal line and use transitions and visual aids, such as geographical maps, some historical stories, and pictures to make my speech easily understood.

Increasing retention

Still, I will use visual aids, statistics, and stories to help my audience retain what I have said.


Speech Outline

Specific speech goal

I would like my audience to know the development of the café from the 15th century to nowadays.


I. You guys must have seen the following café logos on the streets in Taiwan. (Then I will show pictures on ppt.)

II. But you may not believe that someone had ever died in the café just because he loved the café very much.  He stayed in the café almost every day.  That person is Peter Altenberg, a Austrian café writer in nineteenth century, who is also the person who said a famous saying, "When I am not at home, I must be in the café; but when I am not in the café, then I must be on the way to the café."

III. So what is the magic in the café which made a person in the nineteenth century willing to die in there and how has it developed until now so that even in our 21st century the café is still everywhere?

(Let us just begin from the fifteenth century when the coffee beans were found in the Muslim world; then I will show you how the café has developed till now.)

Thesis statement

The development of the café can be traced back to the fifteenth century when the coffee beans were found in the Muslim world, and the café culture was then slowly spread into the Europe and finally into the whole world.


I. The coffee beans were first used in the Muslim world in the fifteenth century.

A. The coffee at that time was used for the religious purpose because Muslims needed to keep awake when praying to Allah at night.

B. In order to sell and buy coffee, the café accordingly appeared in the Muslim world.

(Later because of the business trade with other countries, the café culture was also spread into the Europe.)

II. The café culture was spread into the Europe in the seventeenth century.

A. Take England for instance: The first café in England appeared in 1652.

B. The café soon became a hit at that time because the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were the so-called Age of Reason (the Enlightenment).

C. The influences of the café at that time:

      1. The café equaled everything.

2. The café was "a penny college."

3. The café was the bed of knowledge. (E.g. Newton's law of gravitation)

(Later because of the colonization and globalization, the café culture was finally introduced to the whole world.  But nowadays, it is the coffee chain business that controls the café industry, and the function of the café also changed, not for knowledge anymore.)

III. The coffee chain business becomes the most powerful in the café industry.

   A. Take the development of coffee chains in Taiwan for instance.

          1. The first Italian coffee chain, the Barista, appeared in 1997.

          2. Then the Starbucks appeared in 1998.

          3. Recently the 85 Celsius Degrees appeared in 2003.

B. The statistics of the café market in Taiwan from 1997 to 2004.

(Even in Taiwan the number of the coffee chains had increased violently within just eight years; not to mention what has happened in the café industry in America and England.  There must be thousands of cafés everywhere.)


Then interestingly, this situation might well explain the seven best-selling volumes of Harry Potter, because what the author, J. K. Rowling, had to do was just to buy a cup of coffee, sat in this kind of coffee chain for a whole day, and wrote all the time.




"Richard Engländer alias Peter Altenberg 1859 – 1919."  Kunst und Kultur in Wien.  20 Nov 2007.  <http://www.viennatouristguide.at/personen/Altenberg/ab.htm#


The Owl Journal.  Ed. Jonny Thakkar.  Oxford U.  2003.  20 Nov 2007.       < >.



范婷。《臺灣咖啡消費文化的歷史分析》。 台北:輔仁大學大眾傳播學研究所,2001年。

湯姆斯丹迪奇 (Thomas Standage)。〈理性時代的咖啡〉。《歷史六瓶裝:啤酒、葡萄酒、烈酒、咖啡、茶與可口可樂的文明史》。吳平等譯。台北:聯經,2006年。頁125-67

5 GB 超大容量 、創新便捷、安全防護垃圾郵件和病毒 — 立即升級 Windows Live Hotmail 

A6310 SectionB 49482015 陳思渝 Speech plan No.2

Informative speech

Speech title: To understand dogs more through their behavior

Adaptation Plan

1.          Speaking directly to the audience:
I will use personal pronouns and speak directly to my audience throughout the speech.  

2.          Building credibility:
I'll combine my personal experiences of keeping a dog with the information which I obtained from the veterinarian, the forum on the net, books and magazine.

3.          Getting and maintaining interest:

  Since dogs cannot talk, I will tell the audience how to understand dogs through their behavior. I'll start the speech with some rhetorical questions. Then, I'll make the audience know that although some of them don't have a dog, they still have some chances to touch dogs. Thus, the topic is related to all the audience in some degree.

4.          Facilitating understanding:

        I'll demonstrate body languages of dogs by using the stuffed toy so that the audience can understand what I'm talking about. In addition, I'll also use power point, some pictures to make my speech clearer.

5.           Increasing retention:

I'll explain body languages of dogs vividly by using the stuffed toy instead of pictures. Usually, the audience will remember vivid visual aid than the rigid one. Also, I'll still use some cute pictures to help the audience remember my speech.


Speech Outline

Specific Speech Goal:

     I want my audience to understand dogs more through their behavior.


I.          Use two rhetorical questions to be the lead-in of my speech.

II.         Show the audience how they are related to this topic.


Thesis Statement:

I'll tell the audience how doggies use their body language, and how we can observe the common illness through their behavior while those illnesses are easily neglected by the feeders.




I.                 The first part is about body languages of dogs.
Stretch out forefeet, raise its bottom and shake the tail

Raise its tail, and body leans forward
Lie down, and upturn its belly
Rub its back against the ground

E. Use forefoot to touch and scratch person lightly or nestle up to person

II.          The second part is about how we can observe their illness through their reactions.
The doggy keep scratching its ears. It might be "otitis externa"

1. The experience of my dog.

2. The advice of the veterinarian.

3. How to prevent this disease.

B.  The doggy eats food less than before and is low-spirited all day  long. It might be melancholia.

       1. The experience of my dog.

       2. The way we cure the disease.

Many people keep dogs because they don't want to be lonely. But while people want doggies to accompany them, they have to understand their doggies, too. So today I share the information with you, hoping that you could know better about dogs



Companion Animal Research and Information Center. " 看懂狗狗的肢體語言,讓你和狗寶貝溝通無障礙 " < http://www.caric.com.tw/page_06.asp?sid=7>








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