2007年11月3日 星期六

2007 10/24 Speech B Prepared Speech-Evelyn

2007 10/24 Speech B Table Topic-Tracy

2007年11月2日 星期五

孫新詠A6301 section B Speech Plan 1(revised )?=

Topic: My personal experience 49482014 孫新詠

I. Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

Almost every one of they have encountered this kind of situation, and I think they may have the same, or at least similar feeling with me

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will use some body languages, give as more examples as I could, and try my best to convey the information. Besides, I will use the words which we used everyday, so my audience will not confused about what I'm saying.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

All of us must face the music that our close relatives will leave us forever someday, and everyone must have some reflections about this event. So I want to share my reflection with them.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?

This event really happened to me before, and I will try to describe some details to enhance my credibility. Besides, I will give examples to let my audience know that I really love the meat pie as well as my grandmother. I will do my best trying to describe everything vividly.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

I think they might think it's just another common experience sharing because I don't want to reveal that this is a sad story at first. So I introduce the meat pie first and don't want the atmosphere become too serious.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Because we all live in the same country and speak the same language, I think there will be little cultural differences between us, so our attitude about death will have some similarity. Moreover, English is not our mother tongue, so I will try my best to make my audience understand me; for example, deliver the speech with simple words and explain the words (by both Chinese and English) which we seldom use.

II. Speech outline

1. Specific Goal

I will share my true feeling with my audience and let them know that "what will happen tomorrow" is not a thing we can control, so never use "I'm busy" as an excuse. I don't want them to be as regretful as I am.

2. Introduction

  • A. The short introduction of meat pie.
  • B. How delicious the meat pie my grandmother cooked.
3. Thesis Statement

How I learned a lesson from losing the special flavor of meat pie and my dear grandmother.

4. Body

  • A. The memory of my grandmother around the meat pie.
  • B. Why I want to learn the skill of making it and how I use some excuses to put off.
  • C. After my grandmother's death and the losing of that special meat pie, I started to understand that we must do what we want right away because future is not a thing we can control.

5. Conclusion

Don't use any excuse, such as "I'm busy," to put off what we really want to do. While I lose the special meat pie, I also lose something important in my life. So I really want to share this experience with all of my classmates; I don't want them to regret themselves as I did before.

2007年10月31日 星期三

Section B 連沅程 Speech Plan No.1

Topic: My personality
1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
Because the audience are my classmates, they may would like to know me deeply.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will introduce my two characteristics to the audience. First, I will talk about why I enjoy eating? Second, I will talk about how I take my friends seriously.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Maybe the audience have friends similar to me or they share the same characteristics.
4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will provide my experience as an example to enhance my credibility.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
I think my audience might be interested in my topic because they would like to know me more.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
Because we live in the same country, I think the culture differences between us are minor. Besides, we are all English majors, so it will not be difficult for them to understand my speech as long as I speak slowly and clearly.
Speech Outline
Specific goal: I would like the audience to know I am one who loves to eat and values friends highly.
I. Everyone has their own nature.
II. I will talk about my two main characteristics.
Thesis statement: I am one who loves to eat and values friends highly. However, these two characteristics have a great effect upon my life.
I. I want to say how I enjoy eating.
A. My body shape has changed because of eating.
B. Examples of how much I can eat
C. My adaptability to different foods is very good. [TRANSITION?]
II. I want to say how I value my friends highly.
A. Playing the role of a bridge between friends.
B. I treat friends more importantly than family.
C. I bear that sometimes friends make fun of me.
Conclusion: Although I can not change my personality completely, I can make some changes. I should take more exercise to keep health and maintain a good shape. I should pay more attention on my family because they really care about me anytime and anywhere.

Section B洪慧珊 Plan No. 1


Speech Plan No. 1


Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

Though most of my audience didn't have a chance to see my performance of playing guitar and singing, but I do know most of my audiences know I love music and singing.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I'll take my personal experience of playing guitar as an example to help my audience understand me more.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

I believe that music is pretty common interest that everyone have. Thus, I choose this topic to share with my audience. Besides, I do like to sing or play my guitar in front of my classmates, so maybe some of my audience may have seen my performance before.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

My performance of playing guitar and singing in daily life is definitely enough to make my audience believe that I do love playing guitar.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

There are some of my classmates told me that they like my performance and I believe that the speech topic of mine would make them feel interested toward my later speech.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

I think my audience can totally understand what I say. But one thing I do worry about is my nervousness. It would make my speech not easy to be understood. However, I will try hard to overcome this problem.

Speech Outline

Speech goal:

I'm going to share my experiences of learning guitar to help my audience gain more ideas about me and understand me more than ever.

A. I tried learning the guitar and gave up twice before I finally got motivated and dedicated enough to stick on.

B. My first try was a really short thing that lasted only 2 days.

C. My second try happened when I was a freshman.

D. My third successful try happened during this year.

Thesis Statement:

I want to share my experience of learning guitar with my audience.


I. I gave up learing guitar twice before I finally get dedicated enough to stick on.

A. My first try was a really short thing that lasted only 2 days, when I was much younger. My neighbor's elder brother had a guitar, and we was entranced by how cool it was to play it. We tried to learn it, but with no real mentor and lessons, we gave up pretty quickly.

II. My second try happened when I was a freshman.

It was when I met this really cool guy Jay. Actually, he's the guitar club leader. And I was impressed by his performance. That is freaking awesome! For him, I joined the guitar club. Well, he did teach me how to play guitar, and I tried my best to learn whatever I can. However, assignments came, everything piled up, so I just let my guitar lying around in your dorm, doing nothing but gathering dust.

III. My third successful try was during this year.

A. He is short, a little fat and has a plain face. But after I saw his amazing performance, I had the fire in my heart to learn to play guitar again. So I attend his guitar every week and practice guitar almost everyday.

B. The teacher doesn't focus on dry music theory - it teaches you how to get to playing well, fast.

C. Finally, my playing sounds like music, and it wasn't hard to get to that level.


A. Now, I stared to play and sing in my dorm and enjoy myself. And I really thank my roommates because they have to bear with the "noise" I make for a long time.

B. Maybe one day I would become a superstar and play my guitar on the stage.


I think my ultimate purpose is not merely introduce my interest to my audience but to tell them that if we want to learn or get something, then go and get it. Sometimes it is not that hard as we imagine. So just do it!

Speech section B 林佳楠

Speech Plan1 49482054 林佳楠
1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
I want my audience to ponder what they acquired in their part-time job by offering my personal experience.
2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I would like to reveal my practical duties to interest them.
3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Most of my audiences have experience in part-time jobs and we can exchange our own reflection and harvests.
4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?
I am going to introduce to them my content of duties
5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They are familiar with my topic, so they may expect me to provide them with further information about it.
6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
As English majors in Taiwan, we have few problems about cultural gap among classmates.
Speech Outline
Topic: My experience of working in McDonald's
Specific goal: I want my audience to ponder what they acquired in their part-time job.
Introduction: As we know, McDonald's has been known for its successful marketing.
Thesis statement: I'm going to reveal my two-year working experience in McDonald's and some valuable acquisition beyond the wage.
A. the initial stage of my part-time job
B. the further content of my duties after being promoted
Conclusion: This working experience not also further my outlook on service industry but refine my communicative capacity. Though the wage is not satisfying at all, there is something significant beyond the value of money.

A6310 Section B 49482053 范德政 Speech plan No. 1

Speech plan
Topic: The experience of joining a book group
1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
As a student, everyone once read or hit the book for some purpose and a book group is a one in which each member of the group can share his or her ideas or feelings to help each other achieve a better understanding about the assigned book(s). In the near future, the possible reason for my audience to join a book group is to prepare for the graduate school.
2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will explain to my audience that the book group I join is not for any tests but for a better life or understanding of oneself. Besides, I will specify the way the book group goes on.
3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Most of my audience members are students, as am I and whether in the past or in the future, they might or may join a book group for whatever purposes as I do now.
4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will narrate my experience in the book group I join now and show my audience the assigned book for my book group.
5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
Most audience members may be only mildly interested in my speech topic, but I hope their interest will be aroused much more after I tell them how the book group goes on and how different the book group is from the one they used to know.
6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
As an English major, everyone should be able to understand what I talk about in English. In terms of cultural differences, we all live and grow up in the same country, so there seems unlikely to have any cultural differences.
Speech outline
Specific goal: I would like the audience to realize that they can live a better life by joining a book group.
I. How many of you know what a book group is for?
II. I will explain what kind of book group I join now, how the book group goes and why I join it.
Thesis statement: The things I am learning by joining the book group are how to get along with others, how to realize myself more and how to lead a more comfortable life.
I. How to get along with others is not easy because of individual background.
A. It is more difficult to know oneself well than to know others.
B. If we can understand ourselves more, then we may have a better chance of getting along with others.
II. Knowing and facing inner self take great courage.
A. People often ignore their feeling and spend time talking about the occurrences.
B. When one has to face one's inner self and tell others about it, it's a challenge.
III. Live and learn plus practice.
Conclusion: You are what you read and what you do.

2007年10月30日 星期二

A6310 Section A 49482017 謝依彣 speech plan no. 1

Speech Plan
Topic: My part-time job experience
1.      How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
Most college students have at least one part-time job. And I work in a cram school as a teacher's assistant, which I think is a common job among us English majors. So I think it would be close to others of my classmates' heart to talk about my part-time job experience.
2.      How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will use simple words and sentences to describe my experiences just like telling stories, and I will try my best to articulate every word.
3.      What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
I think teaching English is a very common part-time job among English majors.
4.      What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will tell the audience that I've been working in the cram school for more than two years, and then I will use examples to enhance my credibility.
5.      What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
Since I will tell them I am going to say two of my terrible experiences, I think they are likely to be curious about what these two experiences are and how terrible they may be.
6.      What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
Since my classmates and I are all English majors living in Taiwan, I think there will not be many language and cultural differences.
Speech Outline
Speech goal
I want my audience to know that working in a cram school does not mean simply sitting in an air-conditioned room and talking. There are still something tough I have to take.
I have been working in the cram school for more than two years, and I would like to tell you two examples that make my seemingly easy job uneasy.
Thesis statement
Working in a cram school seems to be easy, but it's not true.
I.                    My first example—correcting students' compositions.
A.     Inevitably I have to correct students' compositions, and some of them are really terrible.
B.     One of those terrible compositions was that the student just put down whatever he knew, like "wind," "fly," "give," etc, so his "composition" was completely unreadable.
C.     I was supposed to give comments, but his composition did make me speechless.
II.                 My second example—meeting a liar.
A.     He was a student I met when he was in his third grade in 松山 Senior High School, and he is in National Taiwan University now.
B.     He told me his friends treated him bad, so I tried whatever I could think of to say to comfort him. I thought we were good friends.
C.     I learned that actually he was in 松山 vocational school and actually he is in 世新 University now. And that his friends treated him bad was because of his dishonesty.
Despite all the difficulties in my job, I still love it. And I think I have learned a lot from it as well.


徐孟瑞A6310 SectionA Speech Plan No1

Topic: My part-time job in summer vacation

I. Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think almost everyone has the experience of taking a part-time job so they may be familiar with this topic.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will choose simple words instead of hard words and give some concrete steps to help the audience understand my part-time job.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

I consider that almost everyone has the experience of taking a part-time job.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?

I will give many details and steps which happened in my work to convince the audience that I really talk about my personal experience.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

I think their initial attitude may be soft because my topic is very common.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Because we all live in Taiwan and we all speak Chinese, I think there will be little cultural differences between my audience and me.

II. Speech outline

1. Specific Goal

I want to convince my audience that being a student is the happiest job in this world by sharing my personal experiment.

2. Introduction

I will describe the context of my part-time job to the audience and tell them to treasure the time of being a student.

3. Thesis Statement

I will tell my audience the frustration I met during my part-time job and the lesson I learned from this experience.

4. Body

A. the introduction of my part-time job

B. the frustration I met during the job

C. the lesson I learned from this experience

5. Conclusion

Working is not something that we can take it easy. It is really hard and I think being a student is the happiest job in this world. I hope all of us can treasure the time of being a student.

A6310 Section B 49482038 張逸瑤 Speech plan No. 1

Speech plan 1 49482038 張逸瑤

Topic: I'm the luckiest second child

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

Some people would have the concept that being a second child is miserable. I want to let my audience know that not all the second children are miserable. I think some of my classmates are also the second children in their family, so maybe they have the same feelings as me.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will use my personal experience to tell my audience why I am the luckiest second child. First, I will talk about the misconceptions about the second children. Then, I will use my own experience to prove that not all second children are miserable.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

Some of my classmates might be the second child like me. If they are not, they might hear something bad or good about being a second child from their siblings or friends who are the second children.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?

I will give my experience as example. I am the second child in my family, so people will understand my feelings and believe what I say.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

I think my audience will have interests in my topic, because I talk about something different from their concepts.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Because English is not our mother language, I will try to use the simple words, phrases and sentences to make my audience understand what I say.

Speech outline

Specific goal: I would like the audience to know I am the luckiest second child.


I. People's concepts about the second children

II. Being a second child, I have different ideas about the second children.

Thesis statement: I never thought that I am miserable; on the contrary, I feel lucky and pride to be a second child.


I. I want to break the myth of the misery of being a second child.

A. my feelings of being a second child

B. what I experienced is different from those people who has those misconception

II. My experiences

A. the relationship between my older sister and me

B. the love of my father and my grandmother

Conclusion: I never think that I am different from my sibling. We all have our parents' love. We are all the same. I think the birth order is not important. How people look upon this world and their attitudes toward life are more important. I have no such trouble of being a second child. I think that I really a lucky person. Therefore, I can speak out loudly that I'm the luckiest second child in the world.

2007年10月29日 星期一

A6310 SectionB 49482008 王怡心 Speech plan

49482008 Anne
Topic: My experience of joining color guard
1. How relevant will the audience find this material
to be?
I think everyone has special memories in senior high
school times, and one might recall his/her senior high
school days when I share my experience.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to
comprehend the information I will share?
I would use simple words to describe my experiences
and describe my experiences vividly.

3. What common ground do audience members share with
each other and with me?
My audiences could share their memories with each
other and me.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?
I would describe my experiences in detail as possible,
and provide a book as well as DVDs.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my
speech topic likely to be?
They might be interested in my experience of color
guard or they might recall something special in their
senior high.

6. What language or culture differences do audience
members have with each other and with me?
Since my audiences are English majors, it would be
easy for them to understand me as long as I express my
idea correctly and smoothly.

Speech outline
Specific goal: I want to share my experience of color
guard with my audiences since it is wonderful.
Ⅰ. I joined color guard in my senior high school and
had a special chance to go to Japan to perform.
Ⅱ. I found Japanese people were polite and had a
wonderful performance.
Ⅲ. Never did I regret to join color guard.
Thesis statement
In each stage of life, one should try hard to work on
something special and leave good memories. It might
take one lots of time to finish it but it would turn
out to be wonderful and memorable in the end. Making
oneself busy is better than doing nothing, leaving
time flying away.
Ⅰ. Japanese people were really polite.
A. Hotel workers stood in front of the hotel to
say goodbye.
B. Japanese students welcomed us in the rain.
Ⅱ. I got a special and interesting performance in
Universal Studio Japan.
Ⅲ. I prepared a short Japanese introduction and make
Japanese people think I can speak Japanese well.
I feel happy that I jumped at the chance to join color
guard. It is an unforgettable memory for me. Although
it is tiring when practicing, it is worthwhile.

A6310 Section A 49482004 江則潔 Speech Plan No.1

Speech Plan

Topic: sharing my scary experiences

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

All of my classmates had attended the camping we held for welcoming the fresh men, so I think it is a subject relevant to all of us.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I have to use simple and clear words which are familiar to audience. And try to think if I were the audience will I understand the information completely?

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

We all love to hear ghost stories or anything thrilling and exciting, most of all, no one don't love stories.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

Though people usually don't believe in what I said, I think as long as I speak firmly and with firm facial expression, I still can earn their trust.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

I think they might interest in it because my topic is appealing enough.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

I think there are no differences between all of us.


Speech goal: I want to make my audience interest in and be entertained by my stories.


A. I am a daring person but I can still be scared by something.

B. recently, there are many scary stories happened to me and I am going to tell two of them.

Thesis statement: I am a daring person but I can still be scared by something.


І. The first story

A. It happened during the camping I attended.

B. I was very happy to disguise as a ghost and what I did as a ghost.

C. Someone told me an impossible thing after the camping.

D. I was very scared.

П. The second story

A. It happened in this summer in Austria.

B. The specialty about the toilet there.

C. I was stuck in the darkness in the toilet.


Though my stories don't have any profound meanings, I still want to share with my audience.