2007年10月30日 星期二

徐孟瑞A6310 SectionA Speech Plan No1

Topic: My part-time job in summer vacation

I. Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

I think almost everyone has the experience of taking a part-time job so they may be familiar with this topic.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will choose simple words instead of hard words and give some concrete steps to help the audience understand my part-time job.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

I consider that almost everyone has the experience of taking a part-time job.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?

I will give many details and steps which happened in my work to convince the audience that I really talk about my personal experience.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

I think their initial attitude may be soft because my topic is very common.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

Because we all live in Taiwan and we all speak Chinese, I think there will be little cultural differences between my audience and me.

II. Speech outline

1. Specific Goal

I want to convince my audience that being a student is the happiest job in this world by sharing my personal experiment.

2. Introduction

I will describe the context of my part-time job to the audience and tell them to treasure the time of being a student.

3. Thesis Statement

I will tell my audience the frustration I met during my part-time job and the lesson I learned from this experience.

4. Body

A. the introduction of my part-time job

B. the frustration I met during the job

C. the lesson I learned from this experience

5. Conclusion

Working is not something that we can take it easy. It is really hard and I think being a student is the happiest job in this world. I hope all of us can treasure the time of being a student.
