2007年10月28日 星期日

A6310 Section B 呂星慧 Speech Plan No. 1

Speech Plan1 49482048呂星慧

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?

Many people are not familiar with dance and do not know how great they can benefit from learning

to dance. So, I'd like to share my close-up of dancing to the audience and to pluck up their interest in


2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?

I will state personal experience and the influences of dance on the extrinsic and intrinsic side of me to

explain why I love dance so much.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?

I think most of my classmates might think dance is a graceful and beautiful thing; while there are not so

many people have ever learned it and do not familiar with dance.

4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?

I would the reason why I love dance and in what way I benefit form dance.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?

They might be interested in another side of my dancing experience that how I change and grow form

learning to dance instead of just telling my learning process.

6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?

I think there are no culture differences between the audience and me; however, because English is our

second language, there might be some words I misused or misinterpreted so that my statement might

unable to be conveyed accurately.

Speech Outline

Topic: The Influences of the dancing experience on me

Specific goal: I'd like to share the influences of personal dancing experience which can let the audience know why I love dance so much and how great of learning dancing can benefit them.

Introduction: Because most of my classmates only know I am a dance lover and my learning procedure but not knowing why I addict to it so much, I want to share how dance influences me and make me become a dance lover. I will state the introduction about my topic and what I am going to say directly.

Thesis statement: I want to share how great the influences of dance on both extrinsic and intrinsic side of me and why dance is so important to me instead of telling the learning procedure.


I. The influences of mastering dancing skill on my extrinsic side.

A. Actually I used to be a so-called sport dummy, and I had never imagine that one

day I will improve this weakness and even become a dance lover.

B. Due to the dancing skill, I can join many activities to perform and make friends.

Besides, I also realize how to act more elegant and womanish.

II. State how dance bring me a significant mental alteration on my intrinsic side.

A. I am a diffident girl who always can not overcome the stage fright though I

have been train up to be accustomed to perform on the stage since I was a child.

B. I found that dance is the only thing I am confident and will not afraid to perform

in front of people, so it gives me courage to face my own fear and try to overcome

my metal weakness.

Conclusion: I want to let the audience know the benefits of learning to dance from my own experience, realizing why I love dance so much and to pluck up their interest to learn dancing.
