2008年1月2日 星期三

A6310 Section B 黃伊婷 Speech Plan No. 3

A6310 Section B 黃伊婷 Speech Plan No. 3

49482011 黃伊婷

Topic Terrorism does not represent Islam, and Islam not terrorism.

My proposition I want to convince my audience that "terrorism" is not a word which can generalize as "Islam," and not "Islam" as "terrorism."

Adaptation Plan

Audience analysis My audience is a group of normal Taiwanese college students, most of whom have never lived abroad for a long time, and often get the information about terrorism and Islam from the media.

Background knowledge Before deciding what my topic was, I had asked some of my classmates about their attitude toward the words "terrorism" and "Islam." I perceived that most of them associated "terrorism" with "Islam" and also "Islam" with "terrorism." This result shows that the people I asked opposed my argument.

Creating and maintaining interest First, I will arouse my audience's interest by showing some common images about terrorism, which are closely related to Islam. Then I will argue my point by giving some vivid examples which are categorized as terrorism, also appealing to the emotions, such as fear and sadness.

Organization The organizational pattern of my speech is the motivated sequence.

Building credibility I have built my credibility by, first, searching the word "terrorism" in Google Image Search, second, explaining the word "terrorism" with trustable sources, and finally using representative examples to illustrate "terrorism."

Motivation The incentive in my speech is that after my speech, the audience will take a different attitude toward the words "terrorism" and "Islam." They will fulfill their self-esteem needs, i.e. the need to feel knowledgeable. By the information I give to them, they can know more about the relationship between terrorism and Islam than the media has presented to them before.


Speech goal I want my audience to change their attitude toward the words "terrorism" and "Islam."

Thesis statement Terrorism exists in any place in any era. As long as there are human beings, there is terrorism. Therefore, "terrorism" is not a word for "Islam," also "Islam" not for "terrorism."


I. Asking question

I will first ask a question with the word "terrorism" on my PowerPoint slice: What occurs to you when you see the word "terrorism"?

II. Visualization

I will show some pictures on the PPT slice which I think are the images most people may think of.

III. "Terrorism" in Google Image Search

Because it is very possible that the audience think that my guess at what appears in their mind seeing "terrorism" is very hasty and unreliable, I will use this third step to increase more credibility.

IV. Introduction

Finally I will use the 911-incident picture to point out what I am going to say about the words "terrorism" and "Islam."

(Transition: Let us begin with the definitions of terrorism.)


V. The three definitions of "terrorism"

A. The definition from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

B. Chinese definition from the website of "The Revision Chinese Dictionary of the Promotion Committee of the Ministry of the Ministry of Education"

C. The definition from the United Nations definition of "terrorism"

(Transition: Beside the three literal explanations of terrorism. . .)

VI. Elaborate more by giving information from external sources

According to the books, 《第三只眼看恐怖主義》, 《恐怖主義:歷史與現實》, On Terrorism, and the website Wikipedia, they all mention that terrorism happens all the time and that as long as there are human beings, there is terrorism.

(Transition: Then what can be categorized as terrorism, indeed? [strategy: using this question to arouse the audience's curiosity] In the following I will show you some vivid and representative examples about terrorism.)


VII. Examples

  1. Columbus found the New World
  2. Two World Wars
  3. Irish Republican Army
  4. Rwandan Genocide
  5. Tiananmen Square protests
  6. 228 Incident
  7. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  8. The murder of Peng Wan-ru
  9. The Jew Holocaust
  10. 2007 Burmese anti-government protests

VIII. Strategies

  1. Presenting terrible pictures

[to astonish my audience and make them feel frightened and sad, meanwhile implicitly creating the warrant that actually people all over the world at any time would do terrorist actions]

  1. Showing the numbers of casualties of every incident

[also to astonish my audience and suggestively create their sympathy for the dead]


[The visualization step of my speech also can be seen as a transition in the speech.]

IX. Showing the words "terrorism" and "Islam" and asking a rhetoric question to make my audience ponder on what they have just seen

So do you guys now still think that terrorism is Islam, or Islam is terrorism?

(Transition: a slight pause here to make audience think)

X. Presenting the incidents which are in this terrorism category

In the human history, terrorist actions happen all the time, which are definitely more than what you see on my PowerPoint slice. So the 911 incident and the assassination of Buto in Pakistan which just happened last week are just one part of the human history.


[In the end, I want to summarize the above I mentioned for my audience by using a quote to make them re-reflect on the issue.]

So, finally, all I want to say, which is also what the girl in the picture tried to appeal, is "No to terrorism, Islam does not kill." Terrorism does not represent Islam, and Islam not terrorism.

Works Cited


Google Image Search. Dec. 30th 2007. <http://images.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi>.

"Irish Republican Army," "Jew," "John Fitzgerald Kennedy," "Rwandan Genocide," "terrorism," "definitions of Terrorism," "the New World," "Tiananmen Square protests," "World War one," "World War Two," and "2007 Burmese anti-government protests." Wikipedia. Dec. 30th 2007. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>.

"Peng Wan-ru(彭婉如)." Wikipedia in Chinese. Dec. 30th 2007. <http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BD%AD%E5%A9%89%E5%A6%82>.

"Terrorism." Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Hong Kong: Longman, 2004. 2067.

"World Reaction to Terrorism: A Photo Story." E-Journal USA. Dec. 30th 2007. <http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itps/0806/ijpe/reaction.htm>.





