2008年1月4日 星期五

A6310 SectionB 49482018 林娟如 Speech Plan NO.03

Topic: Oral Cavity Cancer
Audience Adaptation Plan
Audience analysis: My audiences are 20-year-old college students. They all see or know someone who smoke, drink, or chew betel nuts.
Background knowledge: Oral cavity cancer and other type of cancer become the main dead disease in Taiwan. Students in Taiwan all be taught at school or get the information from news about cancer and those bad ingredients that will cause cancer.
Creating and maintaining interest: I will share my personal experience with my audiences that my father recently gets oral cavity cancer to show them bad habits will not ruin our health but also our life. And I will show them some statistic and oral cavity patients' picture to strengthen the terribleness of oral cavity cancer.
Organization: The organizational pattern of my speech is the motivated sequence.
Building credibility: I build my credibility by my personal experience, the reports about oral cavity cancer, and the information and statistic from some health related website.
Motivation: The incentive I offer is that the audience can put more efforts to help people around them quit the bad habits and pay more attention to their health. Through the experience and the information I give to them they can reflect on the health's importance and influence to us, to our loved family and friends, and to our life.
Specific Goal: I want my audience to strongly persuade people around them to quit smoking, drinking, or chewing betel nuts.
I.            Is there any member of your family or your friends having the bad habits smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts?
II.         Recently something changed my family's life. Due to it, my father lost his health and my mother had to carry the heavy burden of family.
III.       It' "the hidden killer—cancer."
(We all know health is important. We also know smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts are harmful to our heath. But what will you do if your friend or family has those bad habits?)
Thesis Statement: We must help our loved ones to get rid of those bad habits, or they will ruin our loved ones' health and our life.
(Today I will focus on talking about oral cavity cancer because my father is sickened with it and it is influenced by those bad habits— smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts.)
I. What is oral cavity cancer?
 A. Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to
surrounding tissue.
B. In oral cavity cancer, cancerous cells are often found in tissues including
   1. Lips.
   2. Throat.
   3. Tongue.
   4. Hard palate.
   5. Soft palate.
   6. Tonsil.
C. And the cells might extend to other region, such as nose and neck.
II. Three common ingredients which will ruin our health.
A. They all will lead to oral cavity cancer.
1. Betel nuts.
2. Alcohol.
3. Cigarettes.
(Please look at this comic on the power point. Then you can see…)
 B. Betel nuts are the primal reason for oral cavity cancer.
   1. 90% of oral cavity cancer patients have the habit of chewing betel nuts.
   2. The ingredients of betel nuts will stimulate oral mucosa and canker it.
(Basing on the statistic from Bureau of Health Promotion…)
C. Oral Cavity Cancer has become one of the top 10 dead diseases in these 10 years.
  1. 1992 to 2002
  2. The number of oral cavity cancer patient rises from 1700 to 4700 people.
  3. The number of death toll rises from 1000 to 2200 people.
(Another statistic from the Bureau of Health Promotion also shows that…)
D. People who chew betel nuts, drink alcohol, or smoke have higher risk of getting oral cavity cancer.
  1. Chew betel nuts: 28 times risk than normal people.
  2. Chew betel nuts & drink alcohol: 54 times risk than normal people
  3. Chew betel nuts & smoke: 89 times risk than normal people
  4. Chew betel nuts & drink alcohol & smoke: 123 times risk than normal people
(Do you know how many happy families' hearts are broken by oral cavity cancer? According to the cancer registry report…)
III. No health, no life.
A. Heart-broken families
  1. Over 4700 families are informed that their family member affect oral cavity
  2. Among them more than 2000 families lose their beloved ones.
(According to the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation…)
B. Oral cavity cancer patients are suffering.
1. The pain of illness and surgery.
2. The change of life.
a. The way they eat and drink,
b. The way they speak,
c. Their appearance, and
d. Their income sources.
(Do you want your beloved one to be one of the cancer patients? Do you want your family or friend to suffer from illness? You can do something before everything is too late.)
 C. Beware of the symptoms of oral cavity cancer.
1. Lumps in the lips, mouth, or gums
2. A sore in the mouth that doesn't heal
3. Bleeding or pain in the mouth
4. A visible tumor in the mouth, or on the tongue or lips
5. Weight loss
6. A soreness or feeling that something is caught in the back of the throat
7. Difficulty chewing or swallowing, speaking, or moving the jaw or tongue
8. Chronic sore throat, changes in the voice, or hoarseness
9. A lump in the neck
 D. You should help people around you.
    1. Help them know the serious harm that smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nuts will do to their health.
2. Help them quit those bad habits by
     a. Cutting down the amount of betel nuts, alcohol, or cigarettes,
     b. Finding a substitute to refresh, such as gum or coffee.
Do you want your family to live happy life? Please remember no health, no life!
Health Information Center at the Cleveland Clinic <www.clevelandclinic.org/health/ >
uho悠活健康網 <http://www.uho.com.tw/>

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