2008年1月1日 星期二

A6310 Section B 孫新詠 49482014 Speech Plan No.3

Persuasive speech
Speech title: We are all Taiwanese           
Audience Adaptation Plan
1.      Audience attitude: Nowadays, more and more people start to notice the ethnic problem in Taiwan, but "noticing" is different form "understanding." Because people haven't understood the seriousness of separation yet, they just let the politicians freely raised the ethnic conflict before the election instead of blaming them on this kind of behavior. I think my audiences may have the same concept with the majority people.
2.      Reasons: I believe that the bad consequence of separation (death, war, and economic recession) and the advantage of cooperation (bring us success) can most likely convince my audience that we really should stop producing the ethnic conflict.
3.      Selecting an organization to meet audience needs: I'll gradually lead my audience to the center of this topic by using a logical organization. First I'll show them the origin as well as people's concept about the ethnic problem in Taiwan. Then I'll tell them why we should work together instead of separating from each other by examples. Finally I'll let my audience to imagine a situation by themselves in order to think deeply about this issue again.
1. Speech goal: I want to convince my audience that we should not produce ethnic conflict anymore because only working together can make Taiwan better.
2. Introduction:
   I. According to the statistic of Taiwan Thinktank, last 12 years, there are more and more people start to notice the seriousness of ethnic problem in Taiwan.
  II. But "noticing" doesn't mean "understanding," and only few people really think of this problem seriously.
 III. If we don't pay more attention to this problem and try to solve it, the ethnic gap will become bigger and bigger. It is not a good phenomenon for the society.
4.      Thesis statement: We should not produce the ethnic separation, because historical events and our experiences show us that separation will only bring us death, war, and economic recession, but cooperation can help us succeed.
5.      Body:
  I. Generally, people separate 外省人from 本省人(indigenous people) by using the time when they came to Taiwan.
A.     We regard the people who came from China before 1949 as indigenous people, and regard the people who came from China after 1949 as 外省人.
B.     If we use the time when people came here to determine the ethnic groups, maybe only aborigines can call themselves Taiwanese.
  II. Although almost all the people of our generation were born in Taiwan, the ethnic issue was still raised.
A.     Our politicians are used to produce ethnic conflict before the election in order to win more votes.
 III. There are two historical events shows us that separation will bring us death, war, and economic recession.
A.     The American Civil War was caused by the ethnic separation. Nearly 620,000 soldiers died in that battle.
B.     The Korean War made Korea separated into two countries, and damaged the economy of both nation.
C.     Separation will
IV. Three examples can prove that cooperation will bring us success.
A.     Ancient people found that cooperation could make life easier, so they formed family, country, and society system. Our civilization started from these.
B.     In 1980'S, Taiwanese people worked together and created the so-called "Taiwan's Economic Miracle."
C.     Two years ago, we won the Chinese Drama Competition by working together.
6. Conclusion
   We need that kind of belonging which we have when watching the baseball game of王建民. We all live in this island and we want it become better and better in the future. That's why we should always work together instead of separating from each other. We are all Taiwanese, so let us work together.
7. Sources
    人類簡史:我們這三百萬年   梅朝榮著
    台灣開發與族群   簡炯仁著

