2007年12月26日 星期三

A6310 Section B 尤雅惠 49482029 Speech Plan No.3

Audience Adaptation Plan
1. Audience analysis: Almost all my audience is from university, and according to my interview to many college students, they really sleep very late. Thus, I think this situation is very serious and I want them to understand more about this issue.
2. Background knowledge: In fact, even though staying up is a common failing among college students, they all know that staying up is not good for health.
3. Creating and maintaining interest: I will start with two rhetorical questions to let them think to themselves. Moreover, I put some interesting and provoking pictures to attract my audience's attention.
4. Organization: I will begin with the definition of staying up, the introduction of the bad habit—staying up, the six main disadvantages of staying up, the supplements for staying up, and then the conclusion.
5. Building credibility: I found some studies from the Net, and I also did a little study myself—I asked fifty college students about their sleeping habit. I will mention and cite my sources during my speech.
6. Motivation: I strongly recommend my audience that staying up is a bad habit; try their best not to do it.
Topic: Staying up is harmful to our health.
Specific goal: I want my audience to understand that staying up is not healthy.
I. How many of you really understand the definition of staying up?
II. How many of you have the habit of staying up late?
III. Do you really understand the disadvantages of staying up late?
Thesis statement: Six disadvantages that staying up would cause.
I. The definition of staying up.
A. According to Ms. Lai Zi-yin, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, going to bed over 11 pm at night might be considered as staying up.
II. Staying up has become a bad habit among modern people.
A. Generally, college students might not go to sleep until 12, or even later..
B. Some people work very hard, for example, working overtime. Thus, they sleep late
C. Some children sleep late because their parents sleep late, according to the news,〈補習、看電視、打電動想早睡也難〉, in Chinatimes on October 3 of 2007.
III. The first disadvantage—the condition of skin would become worse
A. The period from 11 pm to 3am is called "beauty sleep." Damages like being coarse, black spots and pimples would be doing on the skin if people do not go to sleep during this period.
IV. The second disadvantage—headache
A. Because the brain cells could not rest well, people would easily feel dizzy, become scatterbrained or even reduce the faculty of memory.
V. The third disadvantage—liver function becomes worse
A. Liver cannot do its job—detoxification—during this time if people are still awake.
VI. The fourth disadvantage—the decline of fertility
A. For men, it would affect sperm production and quality.
B. For women, it would affect hormone secretion(荷爾蒙分泌), ovum(卵子) quality and menstrual period(經期).
VII. The fifth disadvantage—the increase of the possibility of suffering chronic diseases.
A. The process of metabolism (新陳代謝) would be much harder because the hormone secretion, like adrenalin (腎上激素), would be higher than common people.
VIII. The sixth disadvantage—the decline of immune system
A. People would tend to catch flu, gastrointestinal diseases and allergy.
IX. Try your best not to stay up late. Once it really happened, according to the study in Dajiyuan on January 22, 2005 by 陳德如 , there are some things you can do to remedy.
A. Have a sound sleep the next day.
B. Supplement nutrition, especially foods including vitamin B, C and E, like wholewheat bread, fruits, milk and liver.
C. Take light exercise, such as taking a walk, playing badminton or Ping-Pong.
吳于珊 (2007103)。〈補習、看電視、打電動 想早睡也難〉。中國時報。
瑟琳娜 ( 2007410 )。〈熬夜族健康生活攻略〉。健康100電子報。
歐陽英 (2007329)。〈熬夜的危害〉。歐陽英樂活生機網。
陳德如 (20051月日 ) 。〈熬夜不利健康〉。大紀元。

