2007年12月25日 星期二

A6310 Section B 49482028 蔣蕙帆 Speech Plan No. 2

A6310 Section B 蔣蕙帆 Speech Plan No. 2


Topic: Sun Protection


Adaptation Plan

Speaking directly to the audience

First I will briefly introduce the whole outline which I'm going to talk about. And then to arouse their interest about sun protection, I will start introduce some familiar proper nouns about sun protection such as UVA, UVB SPF and PA+ to my audience.

Building credibility

I will use some information from BeautySolan Board( a skin care forum) , and simple tables and examples, and documented sources from books to show my audience that I do have the credibility to elaborate the Sun Protection.

Getting and maintaining interest

In order to maintain my audience's interest, I will briefly interpret some daily professional terms such as UVA, UVB and SPF to make my speech more practical to their life. And then I will offer some simple but useful tips for my audience to mount the most effective defense from sun.

Facilitating understanding

By using visual aids (the power point) to know what is UVA, UVB and how they attacks our skins. Then I will explain the definition of SPF and PA+ and offer a basic concept by simple table. In the last part, I will give some important and relevant tips about sun protection that can apply to their daily life. 

Increasing retention

However, I will use visual aids, examples and table to help my audience retain what I have said.


Speech Outline

Specific speech goal

I would like my audience to know how important the sun protection is and how to mount the most effective defense against sun light.


I. We all know sunshine is the light of our life, the warmth of our days, the energy for an entire living plant and a word which sounds happy and bright.

II. But have you ever known that the sun's UV rays can do irreparable harm to our skin?

   III. So now, I want to share with you some information towards sun protection.

Thesis statement

The three basic points that enable the audience to protect their skins against sunshine are getting a basic understanding about UVA and UVB, realizing the SPF and PA system and applying sunscreen in proper way.


I. How to differentiate UVA from UVB:

A. UVA are so sneaking that people often ignore the damages they do.

    1. They contribute to the aging of your skin, DNA damage and possibly skin     cancers.

    2. They cannot be measured in the SPF testing and they can pass through the glass.

    B. UVB are the sun villain because they roast your skin.

        1. They account for most skin damages, such as sunburn, premature aging    and the most skin cancers.

        2. They show high concentration at the noon and summer and they cannot pass glass but are reflected by light-color surface.

II. Get a basic understanding about SPF and PA+

    A. SPF is used to measure the protection against UVB provided by sunscreen.

         1. SPF indicates the time you can stay in the sun without burning when applying sunscreens.

         2. Wearing over higher SPF product doesn't offer more sun protection.

B. PA system is used to mean the protection grade of UVA.

III. There are some tips to shield yourself form the sun.

    A. Sunscreens only work with proper application.

B. Make sure your sunscreen contained effective chemicals that can offer the best UVA and UVB protections.

C. Wearing protective clothing and avoiding old sunscreens are also important.


Remember, with a close of prevention and the right sun protection, we all can still have fun under the sun and being snow white!


    1. The Beauty Bible,2nd Edition, written by Paula Begoun.

    2. "wikipedia"


    3. "Sun Protection net"


    4. "Professional Technology Temple- BeautySalon Board"  



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