2007年12月25日 星期二

A6310 Section A 49482019 周明慧 Speech Plan No.3

Audience Adaptation Plan
Audience attitude: When I asked some housewives' comments on buying organic vegetables, their responses were all the same—the prices for organic vegetables were too high for them. However, when I asked them to think more about organic vegetables, not only on the prices, they all had the same response again—organic vegetables are definitely more healthy and better than common vegetables. There was news revealing pesticide used on common vegetables causes both environmental pollutions and human diseases, but people including housewives were awareless of this, so do they treat the greenhouse warming. Therefore, I put my topic in convincing my audience that organic products are exactly better than others by showing some statistic data and official reports, arousing their attentions on my topic. The most important is that I want my audience to know their tiny simple action can also help protecting environment, to let them know they also can have the power to protect earth.
Reasons: I believe the three reasons can convince audience that their tiny behaviors are able to change the world. These three reasons are close to us, since we live on the same earth, all need to eat for live, and fear the environment getting polluted.
Selecting an organization to meet audience needs: Comparing organic vegetables with common vegetables, I let my audience to figure out which one is better for themselves. To be frank, they have no choice but start to consider my suggestions.
Title: Organic Agricultural Products
Specific goal: I want my audience to start purchasing organic agricultural products because there are three advantages to buy organic vegetables
Introduction: Based on the price policy, many people think they will never buy organic vegetables, for its price is more than 30% higher than common vegetables. Some house-wives also tell that they will never buy organic vegetables, since there are so many warms and caterpillars in it, and it looks not "pretty" enough. However, in the reality, if they do not choose organic one, they probably pay more in their future days.
Thesis Statement: Ejecting common vegetables and choosing organic ones have three advantages: to reduce the pollution resulted from the chemical fertilizer and insecticide, to prevent people from absorbing unnecessary and harmful pesticide, and to force farmers to reuse kitchen waste as organic fertilizer.
  1. Choosing organic vegetables can help to reduce the pollution resulted from the chemical fertilizer and insecticide.
A. Common vegetable planted by using insecticide leads to air, soil, water, and other pollution; in addition, combination of insecticide and fertilizers produce N2O and CH4, greenhouse gas.
B. Organic farmers were forced to use organic fertilizers and forbidden using insecticide, which helps environment protection.
(Transition: Our choice can help environment protection, but how about ourselves? Can our choice help us?)
  1. Choosing organic vegetables can prevent people from absorbing harmful pesticide.
A. People having meals with pesticide, even just few of it, can result in getting chronicle diseases.
B. Organic vegetables planted without pesticide, those consumers never worry about the danger of poison from eating vegetables.
(Transition: Organic vegetables can help to protect environment and our body. Do you know what makes them?)
  1. Choosing organic vegetables can make farmers reuse kitchen waste as a organic fertilizer.
A. Reusing kitchen waste can help to reduce the amount of garbage and make incinerators more effective, and avoid infectious disease spreading through garbage and its polluted water.
B. Using kitchen waste as an organic fertilizer is another solution to save the resource wasting problem.
Conclusion: Even though people might think organic vegetables are more expensive than common vegetables, they possibly pay more than the price until they buy organic vegetables. Since nowadays agriculture tends to use artificial fertilizers and pesticide that cause pollution and harm the earth, people have to pay more to make up the damage from their indirect mistake, paying not only money, even life.
  1. Interview my mother, grandmother, aunts, and neighbors.
  2. Visiting supermarket.
  3. 2007國際回顧 農業污染帶來危機 永續農業的挑戰》吳萃慧2007.11.29 <http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleld=9631>
  4. 《藍藻事件是人禍 農業污染是主因》張莉2007.06.14 <http://env.people.
  1. 2.3億普查農業污染》星島日報 2007.12.13 <http://news.sina.com,hk/
  1. 《農業部門溫室氣體清冊》中央研究院< http://webgis.sinica.edu.tw/epa
  1. 《廚餘回收》台塑環保科技公司<http://www.ctcc.com.tw/?action=webpage
  1. "Chemical Fertilizer or Organic Fertilizer." Ecochem. <http://www.ecochem.
  1. 《一起加入有機吧!》台灣地球日 <http://www.earthday.org.tw/dosome

