2007年12月26日 星期三

Informative Speech NO.2


Speech Topic: Raising a Child

49482036 周彙捷

Adaptation Plan

1. Speaking directly to members of the audience:

 I use questions to make the audience get involved to this topic.

2. Building credibility:

The statistics of costs in raising children are used to strengthen the conviction, such as the cost of milk, diapers and tuition.

3. Getting and maintaining interest:

I show several children pictures in my power point to draw the audiences' attentions.  In addition, I introduce several situations of children's growing stages that audiences might have the similar experiences.  Also, some popular items are added into the content, such as the famous cartoon, which makes the audiences feel familiar, so that they will be more interested in this topic.

4. Facilitating understanding:

  I use many real examples to facilitate the audiences' understanding.

5. Increasing retention:

 The power point is used as a visual aid.  If the audiences get lost in my speech, they still can find the way from the simple and clear listed points in the power point.


Speech Outline


Speech Goal:

I want my audiences understand a good many troublesome situations in each stage of children's growing process.



I.                    Most of children often talk back or even quarrel with their parents.

II.                 Many people realize how hard parents are until they have babies.



I.                    When they are infants.

A.     Feeding babies with milk

a.       You have to feed your babies milk every three hours even when you are sleeping at midnight.

b.      The babies might be distracted by other things or fall asleep during the tine they are having milk, so you have to be incredibly patient

c.       Milk costs you much money:

      $600(per can)*6(per month)*12(per year)*3(years) =129,600

B.     Changing the diapers

a.       You have to change your baby' diapers about three hours a time and clean their smelly poo-poo off their peach-like bottoms.

b.      Diapers also costs you much money:

   $8(per piece)*8(per day)*30(per month)*12(per year)*3(years) =69,120

C.     They can not stop crying

Since they cannot talk, they only cry to draw your attention.  They cry when they are hungry, scared, uncomfortable, have nightmares, etc.

II.                 After they can walk.

A.     Incredible energy

They can sleep for only 10 minutes, wake up, and play for a whole afternoon.

B.     They are destroyers

After they can walk, they are free to move everywhere.  Also, they become curious at anything.  They mess up the room, break the glasses, open any cabinet or drawer and even throw their toys at your food.

III.               Attending schools.

A.     Cartoons

They become addicted to cartoons.  After your hard work for a lone day, what you want to do is to lie down on the couch and watch TV.  However, at this moment, kids will rob your remote away and turn to Yo-Yo Channel to see their favorite cartoon like Sponge Bob or Peach sister, etc.

B.     Toys

Children always annoy their parents about buying toys.  However, they will never be satisfied with what they already have, even a new toy.  Therefore, it's not wise to take your child to a toy store.

C.     Tuition of kindergarten

The tuition of kindergarten is much more expensive than the elementary schools', the junior high schools' and the senior high schools' tuition. It costs you $20,000 per semester, and you have to pay plus $5,000 per month additionally.

D.     They have countless troublesome homework (after entering elementary schools).

Especially in summer or winter vacation, they are asked to visit at least 2 or 3 places and to take pictures.  Also, they are asked to seed the beans or to feed the silkworms in science class.  All of these are actually not children's homework, but parents' homework.

E.      Infectious diseases

Schools are the place where infectious diseases spread easily and quickly.  If your children don't have strong resistance of body, they might get sick all the time.

F.      Buying the popular things

They love buying the most popular things at their schools, such as silkworms, beetles, and pebble babies.

IV.              Being teenagers: your children have their own ideas and become unfriendly to communicate with.

A.     Rebellious

You start to find cigarettes on their desks and sex books under their pillows.

B.     Fighting with others

Boys become easy to be irritated, so they might fight with others often.

C.     Indulging in online games

Some teenagers might spend all night playing online games in the internet coffee shop.

D.     Weird style in hair and body piercing

They love to decorate themselves.  If you criticize their dressing, they will just say, "You don't understand!"

V.                 After they growing up

A.     They begin to spend their holidays with their friends.

B.     After they fall in love, in their eyes there are only their boyfriends or girlfriends.



  When raising children, you may confront so many situations which are difficult to handle and unavoidable.  Therefore, each of us should be nicer to our parents.



1. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com

2. My aunt : Mrs. Wang

3. http://www.baby-kids.com.tw


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