2007年12月23日 星期日

A6310 SectionA 49482032鍾儀 Speech Plan No.2

Topic: Raise a House Rabbit                                 49482032鍾儀

Adaptation Plan

Speaking directly to the audience

First I will show the pictures of my house rabbit to draw the audience' attention. And then I will show some tools I brought to arouse their interests.

Building credibility

I will share my experience of raising a house rabbit personally and share the information I got with my audience to show my audience that I do have the credibility to elaborate raising a rabbit correctly.

Getting and maintaining interest

In order to maintain my audience's interest, I will show plenty of vivid and cute pictures in the entire process of my speech by using power point. And I will show them the food, the tools, and toys of rabbit to draw their attention.

Facilitating understanding

I will pick up a few major points and explain them in easy and short sentences to make my audience remember easily. I will also show pictures and bring stuffs to help my audience understand what I am talking about.

Increasing retention

With the visual aids, I believe it will be an impressive speech because they are really adorable and interesting.


Speech Outline

Specific speech goal

I would like my audience learn how to raise a house rabbit correctly.


Today I am going to tell you how to raise a house rabbit. I choose this topic because I have a cute bunny at home now. Most people have misunderstandings about raising a rabbit, including me. Before I have a pet, I didn't know anything. Therefore, I found lot of materials to help me and then I adopt my little bunny after I prepared. In this case, I would like to share all the information I know with you.

Thesis statement

There are many species of rabbit; however, the way to take care of this creature is basically the same. Only you keep some important point in mind, your bunny will be healthier than you are.


I.                   There are many breeds of rabbit and I pick up a few special types that have obvious characteristics to introduce to you.

A.        The first one is Dutch Rabbit (the same species of my pet). it is easily identified by its color pattern. As you can see there are usually two colors on its body, and they exactly separate its round body into two sections. Usually there is a white triangle on its face (except mine), and the other color on its body might be black, blue, brown, or grey.

B.         Lop rabbit is the most popular type nowadays because its special shape of ears. They are known for their distinctive floppy ears that make them look like puppies.

C.         Angora rabbit is mainly bred for its wool because its hair is long, silky, and soft.

D.        Dwarf rabbit is the smallest type of house rabbit. Their ears are very small and carried high on the head like a little mice.

E.         Himalayan rabbit is white with dark points on the nose. They are born all white but the markings come in as the age.

II.                The most important part of raising a rabbit is feeding.

A.        Hay: Lots of people have a misconception that rabbit should eat only carrots. In fact, they should eat mainly hay and usually they eat plenty of timothy hay. But there are other types available such as Alfalfa and Oat hay. Alfalfa should be given less frequently to adult rabbits because of the higher protein and sugar content; instead timothy hay should be readily available for your rabbits at all time. When choosing hay, make sure it looks and smells fresh.

B.         Fresh water must always be available to your rabbits or they will thirsty to die.

C.         Look for pellets that are relatively high in fiber and low in protein. You will need to limit your rabbit's pellet intake as it ages.

D.        A varied assortment of vegetables should be a part of rabbit's daily diet.

E.         Treat should be given occasionally to encourage rabbit's good behavior because bunny treats are often high in fat and sugar that are harm to health.

III.             An indoor pen should be large enough to accommodate your bunny. The more room the better (at least 4 times the length of the rabbit). Carpet or linoleum can be added to a cage that had a grid floor to protect the rabbit's feet. Basic necessities for the cage include a hay box, water bottle, and food bowl. Toys are optional.

IV.             There are still other points you should keep in mind to raise a rabbit correctly.

A.        Rabbits can take a bath but don't do it if it is necessary because they will clean themselves by licking their fur everyday. Remember dry their hair as soon as possible.

B.         When rabbits play, they will often do a BINKY, which is a happy dance where he will jump in to the air, turn around, and take off running. Don't worry if this behavior appears.

C.         Rabbits love to dig and chew but need to do so in a nondestructive manner. Wires are one of the main targets of bunnies. Their sharp teeth can slice through your wires quickly. Keep all wires out of the reach of your bunnies.

D.        Everything will become easier if your rabbit is well-trained, especially in litter training. When a rabbit is placed in a new area, it is common for him to mark the area with his droppings. After he gets acquainted to the area, he naturally starts favoring a certain location. You can put a little box there and placing the hay close to the litter box can speed up the training, since rabbits like to defecate and eat at the same time.


I hope the information I shared did help you understand raising a house rabbit and also correct your misconceptions of rabbit. Thank you for your listening.





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