2007年10月24日 星期三

(revised) A6310 section B 蔡依璇 Speech Plan 1

10/17 Speech Plan

Topic: The Experience of Being a Counselor in My Summer Vacation

I. Audience Adaptation

1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
My audience will be interest in how to be a counselor, what happened during the camp, or how to get along with foreign friends. The experience can give my audience the concept of how to treat foreigners.

2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
I will use 5 wh- questions to help me organize my speech. I will share them with examples while facing different cultures.

3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
Some of my classmates have gone to place where I went during the camp. It may be another experience for them.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility?
I will provide examples of how foreign teenagers thought differently from us Taiwanese and how some events influenced me.

5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
They may be interested in what a counselor did to guide foreign teenagers on the camp.

6. What language or cultural differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
My audience may have a typical thought about foreign teenagers, who are more independent; however, human nature is the same; I met with many foreigners who are usually out of control.

II. Speech outline

1. Specific Goal
I would like my audience to know the experience of being a counselor and that people coming from different countries can still respect others' culture.

2. Introduction
A. Why this summer vacation's experience meant so special for me.
B. The establishment of the program was to help overseas teenagers develop understanding of Taiwanese culture.

3. Thesis Statement
I lead these kids into the core of Taiwanese culture and that I learned how to respect the cultural differences as well.

4. Body
A. What a counselor's responsibility was.
B. The most valuable things I got was that I learned how to respect the cultural differences; and I will provide 2 examples.
a. Foreign teenagers liked to wear flip-flops.
b. How my member appreciated the temple.

5. Conclusion
Through the experiences of flip-flops and local temple, I realized that cultural communication existed only when one respected each other. And I did have a good time in my summer vacation.
