2007年12月26日 星期三
A6310 Section B 尤雅惠 49482029 Speech Plan No.3
A6310 Section B 蔡依璇 Speech Plan No.3
Audience Adaptation Plan
I. Audience analysis
My audience is composed of young college students who have been read newspapers and used computers since elementary schools.
II. Background knowledge
My perception is that my audience know newspapers and computers for a long time.
III. Creating and maintaining interest
I will ask my audience who has the habit of reading newspapers everyday. Then, I will make my audience Imagine the pictures on PowerPoint.
IV. Organization
I will follow the motivated sequence: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action.
V. Building credibility
I will establish my credibility by mentioning and citing the origin of resources.
VI. Motivation
I encourage my audience to take a look at newspapers often.
I. Specific goal
I want my audience to realize that newspapers will disappear in the future.
II. Attention: visualization
A. Ask my audience who has the habit of reading newspapers everyday.
B. Imagine
1. Your grandfather with his glasses ask you to explain what the newspaper says.
2. 50 years later, you are the person who ask your grandchildren what is on the "computer."
III. Need
A. I will ask my audience to think of the role newspapers play in your daily lives.
B. I will arouse the problem of "Who killed the newspaper?"
IV. Satisfaction
A. Internet is the biggest reason why newspaper will disappear one day.
B. The decline reason
1. number of people fallen
2. share price fallen
3. reporters cutting
4. loss of circulation
V. Visualization
Online journalists and bloggers emerge to take traditional newspapers' position.
VI. Action
Newspapers will disappear. it is just a matter of time.
VII. Sources
A. economist's website
B. Scobleizer's website column
C. Wikipedia
Newspapers and Internet
Informative Speech NO.2
Speech Topic: Raising a Child
49482036 周彙捷
Adaptation Plan
1. Speaking directly to members of the audience:
I use questions to make the audience get involved to this topic.
2. Building credibility:
The statistics of costs in raising children are used to strengthen the conviction, such as the cost of milk, diapers and tuition.
3. Getting and maintaining interest:
I show several children pictures in my power point to draw the audiences' attentions. In addition, I introduce several situations of children's growing stages that audiences might have the similar experiences. Also, some popular items are added into the content, such as the famous cartoon, which makes the audiences feel familiar, so that they will be more interested in this topic.
4. Facilitating understanding:
I use many real examples to facilitate the audiences' understanding.
5. Increasing retention:
The power point is used as a visual aid. If the audiences get lost in my speech, they still can find the way from the simple and clear listed points in the power point.
Speech Outline
Speech Goal:
I want my audiences understand a good many troublesome situations in each stage of children's growing process.
I. Most of children often talk back or even quarrel with their parents.
II. Many people realize how hard parents are until they have babies.
I. When they are infants.
A. Feeding babies with milk
a. You have to feed your babies milk every three hours even when you are sleeping at
b. The babies might be distracted by other things or fall asleep during the tine they are having milk, so you have to be incredibly patient
c. Milk costs you much money:
$600(per can)*6(per month)*12(per year)*3(years) =129,600
B. Changing the diapers
a. You have to change your baby' diapers about three hours a time and clean their smelly poo-poo off their peach-like bottoms.
b. Diapers also costs you much money:
$8(per piece)*8(per day)*30(per month)*12(per year)*3(years) =69,120
C. They can not stop crying
Since they cannot talk, they only cry to draw your attention. They cry when they are hungry, scared, uncomfortable, have nightmares, etc.
II. After they can walk.
A. Incredible energy
They can sleep for only 10 minutes, wake up, and play for a whole afternoon.
B. They are destroyers
After they can walk, they are free to move everywhere. Also, they become curious at anything. They mess up the room, break the glasses, open any cabinet or drawer and even throw their toys at your food.
III. Attending schools.
A. Cartoons
They become addicted to cartoons. After your hard work for a lone day, what you want to do is to lie down on the couch and watch TV. However, at this moment, kids will rob your remote away and turn to Yo-Yo Channel to see their favorite cartoon like Sponge Bob or Peach sister, etc.
B. Toys
Children always annoy their parents about buying toys. However, they will never be satisfied with what they already have, even a new toy. Therefore, it's not wise to take your child to a toy store.
C. Tuition of kindergarten
The tuition of kindergarten is much more expensive than the elementary schools', the junior high schools' and the senior high schools' tuition. It costs you $20,000 per semester, and you have to pay plus $5,000 per month additionally.
D. They have countless troublesome homework (after entering elementary schools).
Especially in summer or winter vacation, they are asked to visit at least 2 or 3 places and to take pictures. Also, they are asked to seed the beans or to feed the silkworms in science class. All of these are actually not children's homework, but parents' homework.
E. Infectious diseases
Schools are the place where infectious diseases spread easily and quickly. If your children don't have strong resistance of body, they might get sick all the time.
F. Buying the popular things
They love buying the most popular things at their schools, such as silkworms, beetles, and pebble babies.
IV. Being teenagers: your children have their own ideas and become unfriendly to communicate with.
A. Rebellious
You start to find cigarettes on their desks and sex books under their pillows.
B. Fighting with others
Boys become easy to be irritated, so they might fight with others often.
C. Indulging in online games
Some teenagers might spend all night playing online games in the internet coffee shop.
D. Weird style in hair and body piercing
They love to decorate themselves. If you criticize their dressing, they will just say, "You don't understand!"
V. After they growing up
A. They begin to spend their holidays with their friends.
B. After they fall in love, in their eyes there are only their boyfriends or girlfriends.
When raising children, you may confront so many situations which are difficult to handle and unavoidable. Therefore, each of us should be nicer to our parents.
1. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com
2. My aunt : Mrs. Wang
3. http://www.baby-kids.com.tw
聰明搜尋和瀏覽網路的免費工具列 — Windows Live 搜尋工具列
2007年12月25日 星期二
A6310 Section A 49482019 周明慧 Speech Plan No.3
- Choosing organic vegetables can help to reduce the pollution resulted from the chemical fertilizer and insecticide.
- Choosing organic vegetables can prevent people from absorbing harmful pesticide.
- Choosing organic vegetables can make farmers reuse kitchen waste as a organic fertilizer.
- Interview my mother, grandmother, aunts, and neighbors.
- Visiting supermarket.
- 《2007國際回顧 農業污染帶來危機 永續農業的挑戰》吳萃慧2007.11.29 <http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleld=9631>
- 《藍藻事件是人禍 農業污染是主因》張莉2007.06.14 <http://env.people.
- 《2.3億普查農業污染》星島日報 2007.12.13 <http://news.sina.com,hk/
- 《農業部門溫室氣體清冊》中央研究院< http://webgis.sinica.edu.tw/epa
- 《廚餘回收》台塑環保科技公司<http://www.ctcc.com.tw/?action=webpage
- "Chemical Fertilizer or Organic Fertilizer." Ecochem. <http://www.ecochem.
- 《一起加入有機吧!》台灣地球日 <http://www.earthday.org.tw/dosome
A6310 Section B 49482038 張逸瑤 Speech plan No. 2
A6310 Section B
49482038 張逸瑤
Speech plan No. 2
Topic: Look more confident and beautiful
Adaptation plan
1. Speaking directly to the audience: Through the whole speech, I will speak directly to the audience. I will use personal pronoun, you, to let my audience follow my directions.
2. Building credibility: I will use my personal experience of learning how to stand straight to enhance my credibility. Besides, I will use other sources to let my audience know more about what I want to say.
3. Getting and maintaining interest: I will start the speech with a question. By asking a question, I could get my audience's attention. Then, I will compare two photos. While I compare the two photos, I will also use questions to attract them. As long as they are attracted to my speech, they will be more interested.
4. Facilitating understanding: I will use easy and short sentences to show my audience how to get a good stance step by step. I will explain each step carefully. In addition, I will use visual aids to let my audience understand what I say. I will also use repetition to emphasize my topic. And I will use pictures to explain how to get a good stance.
5. Increasing retention: I will use visual aids to help my audience retain the information which I want to share. Besides, I will use repetitions to let my audience remember what I say.
Speech outline
Specific goal: I want my audience to know how to look more confident and beautiful by standing straight.
I. Most people must want to know how to look more confident and beautiful.
A. enrich yourself
B. dress up yourself
II. When you see another person, the first impression must be that person's appearance and gesture.
III. If you stand with your shoulder drooping, you would look inactive and unconfident.
IV. If you stand straight, you would look upstanding and confident.
Thesis statement: I will show you five steps about how to stand straight and the benefits of standing straight. Because standing straight can let people look more confident and beautiful.
I. Stance is the head of all deportment.
II. Five steps about how to stand straight
A. Find a blank wall and make your back lean against the wall.
B. Stand straight with your legs stretched and let your whole body parallel the wall.
C. Raise your head, thrust out your breast, and shrink your lower abdomen.
D. Stretch your neck naturally and rightly.
E. Keep your eyes looking at the front.
III. Keep this pose for ten minutes or more. When you leave the wall, you would find that you stand straight than before.
IV. The benefits of good stance
- let people show their confidence
- it is good for people's health
- let people look taller and slimmer
- people would look more confident and beautiful
Conclusion: If anyone asks me how to look more confident and beautiful, I would answer that good stance determines everything. While you stand, stretch your back, raise your head, thrust out your breast, and shrink your lower abdomen; then, you would look more confident and beautiful.
聰明搜尋和瀏覽網路的免費工具列 — Windows Live 搜尋工具列
A6310 Section B 49482028 蔣蕙帆 Speech Plan No. 2
A6310 Section B 蔣蕙帆 Speech Plan No. 2
Topic: Sun Protection
Adaptation Plan
Speaking directly to the audience
First I will briefly introduce the whole outline which I'm going to talk about. And then to arouse their interest about sun protection, I will start introduce some familiar proper nouns about sun protection such as UVA, UVB SPF and
Building credibility
I will use some information from BeautySolan Board( a skin care forum) , and simple tables and examples, and documented sources from books to show my audience that I do have the credibility to elaborate the Sun Protection.
Getting and maintaining interest
In order to maintain my audience's interest, I will briefly interpret some daily professional terms such as UVA, UVB and SPF to make my speech more practical to their life. And then I will offer some simple but useful tips for my audience to mount the most effective defense from sun.
Facilitating understanding
By using visual aids (the power point) to know what is UVA, UVB and how they attacks our skins. Then I will explain the definition of SPF and
Increasing retention
However, I will use visual aids, examples and table to help my audience retain what I have said.
Speech Outline
Specific speech goal
I would like my audience to know how important the sun protection is and how to mount the most effective defense against sun light.
I. We all know sunshine is the light of our life, the warmth of our days, the energy for an entire living plant and a word which sounds happy and bright.
II. But have you ever known that the sun's UV rays can do irreparable harm to our skin?
III. So now, I want to share with you some information towards sun protection.
Thesis statement
The three basic points that enable the audience to protect their skins against sunshine are getting a basic understanding about UVA and UVB, realizing the SPF and PA system and applying sunscreen in proper way.
I. How to differentiate UVA from UVB:
A. UVA are so sneaking that people often ignore the damages they do.
1. They contribute to the aging of your skin, DNA damage and possibly skin cancers.
2. They cannot be measured in the SPF testing and they can pass through the glass.
B. UVB are the sun villain because they roast your skin.
1. They account for most skin damages, such as sunburn, premature aging and the most skin cancers.
2. They show high concentration at the noon and summer and they cannot pass glass but are reflected by light-color surface.
II. Get a basic understanding about SPF and
A. SPF is used to measure the protection against UVB provided by sunscreen.
1. SPF indicates the time you can stay in the sun without burning when applying sunscreens.
2. Wearing over higher SPF product doesn't offer more sun protection.
B. PA system is used to mean the protection grade of UVA.
III. There are some tips to shield yourself form the sun.
A. Sunscreens only work with proper application.
B. Make sure your sunscreen contained effective chemicals that can offer the best UVA and UVB protections.
C. Wearing protective clothing and avoiding old sunscreens are also important.
Remember, with a close of prevention and the right sun protection, we all can still have fun under the sun and being snow white!
1. The Beauty Bible,2nd Edition, written by Paula Begoun.
2. "wikipedia"
3. "Sun Protection net"
4. "Professional Technology Temple- BeautySalon Board"
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