2007年10月17日 星期三

A6310 Section A 49482019 Selene Chow 周明慧

National Taipei University
Dept. Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics
Class: English Speech Section A
No. 49482019
Name: Selene Chow 周明慧
Personal Experience
Speech Plan
Topic: Being Freaky—Thinking Critically
1. 1. How relevant will the audience find this material to be?
According my speech, my audience would likely to think it as relevant. Because we are all college students, thinking critically is an important ability to build us up.
2. 2. How can I make it easier for audience members to comprehend the information I will share?
In order to arousing my audience's attention, my speech is adapted to a more interesting talking way than a moral teaching style. Hope it to achieve a much effective and meaningful speaking to my audience.
3. 3. What common ground do audience members share with each other and with me?
As a college student, thinking critically is a basic element. Standing on the same ground, as college students, it is obvious to us that we have to think critically.
4. 4. What I can do to enhance my credibility?
Add a true event which has happened before to make my idea and experience more credible.
5. 5. What is my audience's initial attitude toward my speech topic likely to be?
At the beginning, my audience probably feels funny about my topic.
6. 6. What language or culture differences do audience members have with each other and with me?
Using a second language to delivery my speech, I would like to avoid my experience-telling speech from sounding weird because my experience has happened in a Chinese-spoken country, not an English society. Using the proper adjectives and adverbials to describe and to produce my speech can be an essential works.
Speech Outline
Specific goal:
I would like to share with the audience about my experience, in the process of understanding the importance of the personal judgmental and critical thinking.
I. Because of the uninterrupted examinations in our earlier school life, we were accustomed to keep finding the only one answer. However, it seems to be a meaningless behavior in our growing process.
II. Everyone must face such a situation, not knowing what the truth is and which is correct, not knowing how to choose, but we still make our own decisions in the end.
III. However, how can we know our decision is right, is correct, is good for us?
(Till now, I still cannot confidently tell how to estimate my own decisions that I have done in these years.)
Thesis statement:
One of the priceless elements to build up a college student is the ability to have the personal judgmental and critical thinking.
I. When I was a freshman in elementary school, I had a very "unique" classmate for his particular behavior. There were some very freaky ideas exited in his head, our teacher never accepted and understood.
II. (One day, we had a simple mathematic quiz.)
A. An example: the simple arithmetic quiz
1. the question on the paper and his answer
2. his argument with our teacher
3. his nickname
B. His lasted shocking news
(This person or, I have to say this news effects me a lot, even though I do not check it is a credible news or just a made-up message. If this news is true, the freak in Taiwan really becomes a genius in America.)
III. I cannot help but start to ask myself why the freak can be so "successful," and why I am still a student whose biggest goal is to find the correct answer on the exam paper.
A. After few months, I become an undergraduate, some thing happens when I take the first class in my new school.
(I am shocked, for there is no more only-one-and-correct answer in college.)
B. I start to understand and also accept that everyone's creativity is from our unpredictable thoughts and imagination when we are answering the professor's question. When I start to answer professor's question, I know I can do better than before. This explorative thinking is absent before, now I find it and take it back.
(I can be another "freak," for I also have my unpredictable and unexpected answers.)
Therefore, being freaky from time to time is not really a bad thing. Everyone should try to have you own unpredictable and unexpected answers to anyone's questions.
Sources: my own experience
