2007年11月21日 星期三

A6310 Section B 陳芳瑩 Speech Plan No. 2

More than just MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)
by Traci Chen

Adaptation Plan
1. Speaking directly to members of the audience: I will use personal
pronouns and will go slowly so they will be able to follow my
2. Building credibility: I will use Wikipedia sources and use music
file examples to show my knowledge for the technology.
3. Getting and maintaining interest: Music encoding formats, such as
MP3 and AAC, are essential to youngsters of our age today. The
information will provide knowledge of better quality of files and
better command for users when they perform daily music file
compression, compact disk importing and burning.
4. Facilitating understanding: I will use examples and show
step-by-step visual aids to make my point clear and easy to
5. Increasing retention: Throughout the speech, I will present two
common encoding methods and their examples. The theories and
applications are relevant and simple enough for any audio media users
to quickly master the trick.

Speech Outline
SPECIFIC GOAL: I'd like my audience to have a better understanding and
command of MP3 and hence increase their audio media quality and
listening pleasure.
I. MP3 is not the abbreviation for all encoded music files.
II. You can do more to your MP3 files than just playing them to your ears.
III. I'd like to share the theory of MP3 encoding technology.

THESIS STATEMENT: How does MP3 work to affect the sound quality and size of
music files and one popular alternative format and its application..

I. How does MP3 work: MP3 is an audio encoding format using lossy
compression algorthim.
A. Lossy means that it is designed to greatly reduce the amount of
data required to represent the audio recording, yet still sound like a
faithful reproduction of the original uncompressed audio to most
B. The compression removes certain parts of sound that are outside the
hearing range of most people.
(With the background knowledge of MP3 technique, let's see how the
quality and size are influenced by the process.)
II. The quality and size of MP3 files depend on the bit rate: how many
kilobits the file may use per second of audio.
A. The lower the bit rate used, the lower the audio quality will be,
but the smaller the file size.
B. Constant Bit Rate (CBR) makes encoding simpler and faster while it
is also possible to create files where the bit rate changes throughout
the file—this is known as Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
(This is where users can tweak, for example, when ripping a compact
disk to this format, to enhance the audio quality by adjusting the bit
rate frequency.)
III. AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), a standardized, lossy compression
scheme was
designed to have better performance than MP3.
A. Depending on the encoder used, AAC generally achieves better sound
quality than MP3 at the same bit rate, particularly below 192 kbps.
B. AAC's most famous usage is as the default audio format of Apple's
iPhone, iPod, iTunes, and the format used for all iTunes Store audio.

The exchange of music files via the Internet has become more and more
common. Thus, this information is fairly useful when choosing among
files of various qualities. Be it downloading, or ripping compact disk
music, we can all be the master of the files, giving a little tweak

Wikipedia, and iTunes.
