2007年11月20日 星期二

A6310 SectionB 49482029 尤雅惠 Speech Plan NO.02

Audience Adaptation Plan Effie Yu 49482029
1. Speaking directly to members of the audience: I will speak to the audience directly. I will deliver my speech slowly so that every one can understand.
2. Building credibility: I will apply some specific statistics from magazines and on the Net. I also clipped the pages of Facebook form the Net. Furthermore, I myself is one of the members on Facebook.
3. Getting and maintaining interest: I think my audience would like my speech as they know what I will represent, because here in Taiwan, the Net is relatively accessible, and we all know that maintaining a good relationship with others is very important. Therefore, I consider Facebook to be an interesting topic that everyone likes.
4. Facilitating understanding: I will apply Microsoft Power Point to make my presentation clearer. And I will show the processes to utilize Facebook.
5. Increasing retention: I will use pictures to make my audience remember the points well. Moreover, I will repeat my points in my speech.
Speech--Outline Effie Yu 49482029
Specific goal: I want my audience to know about Facebook because it is really a useful website that can tighten the relationship between us and our friends.
1. How many of you have heard about Facebook?
2. How many of you have used Web sites to get contact with your family and friends?
3. Today I want to introduce Facebook to you what is Facebook and how Facebook works.
Thesis Statement: I would like to introduce you Facebook, and explain how to utilize it as a useful and interesting communicative tool.
I. Facts about Facebook.
A. Talk about the founder
B. Talk about the capital
C. Talk about the miracles of Facebook
II. Start to build your relationship net in Facebook.
A. Register on Facebook to be a member.
B. Find your friends who are members of Facebook already or invite your friends who aren't.
C. Join various groups whatever you like or set up groups on your own.
D. Take a look at friends' profiles to seek extra interesting programs.
i. My room
ii. Growing gifts
iii. Birthday calendar
iv. I read
v. Countdown
vi. Graffiti
Conclusion: Facebook is a platform where you can enhance or even explore harmonious relationship with others. In addition, you still can enjoy the safety as you use the communicative tool--only can your friends be accessible to your profile. Since Facebook is such an economical and protected social utility website, just begin to enjoy yourselves on Facebook.
何宛芳 ︰千億商機,從親朋好友開始。《數位時代》2007 11月號。
謝光萍︰ Web 2.0必學的菁英群經營術 Facebook取經的4堂課。《數位時代》2007 11月號。
Jennifer Jones. http://www.mpdailyfix.com/2007/09/observations_about_facebook_1.html. 2007/9/4.

