2007年12月10日 星期一

A6310 Section A 49482044 張如瑩 Speech Plan 2

A6310 Section A 49482044 張如瑩 Speech Plan 2

Informative speech


Speech title: The interpretation of dreams


Adaptation Plan

1.      Speaking directly to the audience:

      I will talk to my audience directly in my speech. I will use personal pronouns and speak slowly so that my audience can understand my speech.

2.      Building credibility:

From the start I will introduce the theory of Sigmand Freud to my audience. Then I will give the examples that are mostly related to our lives from Freud's books.

3.      Getting and maintaining interest:

I will start my speech by asking whether my audience have had dreams that they were eager to know their meanings but in vain. I will give some examples of dreams that my audience would like to know in order to arouse their curiosity.

4.      Facilitating understanding:

I will use visual aids (power point) to show the class the theory of Sigmand Freud and the dreams that most of the people often have. I will interpret dreams in different categories so that my audience can understand the real meaning of dreams.

5.      Increasing retention:

I will use visual aids and vivid body language to increase retention.


Speech Outline

Specific speech goal: I want my audience to have a roughly understanding of Sigmand Freud's theory of dream interpretation and have the basic understanding of interpretation of dreams.


I.                    Everyone must have dreams during their sleep sometimes, but what meanings do these dreams convey? Have you ever wondered about this question?

II.                  Sigmand Freud's theory of interpreting dreams has done a significant influence which makes us know more deeply about our conscious and unconscious minds.

    Thesis statement: The theory of Sigmand Freud will enable audience to understand the meaning of dreams and the following example will help them interpret their dreams by themselves.


I.                    The first part is Sigmand Freud's theory of interpreting dreams.

A.     There are three categories of dreams.

1.      The first one is wish-fulfillment dreams

2.      The second one is dreams that have straightforward content but astonishing.

3.      The third one is obscure, absurd and incoherent dreams

B.      There are three processes to disguise dreams.

1.      The first one is transformation.

2.      The second one is condensation.

3.      The third one is displacement.

II.                  If anxiety appears in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      When you dream of falling, you may be overreaching abilities in lives.

B.      When you dream of drowning, it suggests floundering in the depths of the unconscious.

C.      When you dream of being chased, it could mean the feelings of paranoia or persecution or the repressed personality.

III.                If body parts appear in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      When you dream of blood, it may suggest menstruation or sexual aggression.

B.      When you dream of mouth, it evokes oral fixation as an infant, or self-expression.

C.      When you dream of teeth, it may represent a fear of losing youth or sexual powers.

IV.               If nudity appears in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      When you dream of accepting nudity of others, it means that you are ready to accept people who they really are.

B.      When you dream of others accepting your nudity, it means that you are not worried about others think about you.

V.                 If people appear in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      If you dream of your mother, it could be an object of unconscious desire or the fear of castration.

B.      It you dream of your father, it could be a sexual role, a guide or a healer in lives.

C.      If you dream of your friends, it may suggest your shaky self-confidence.

VI.               If fighting and violence appear in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      If you dream of violence to the self, it suggests guilt, self-blame or low self-esteem.

B.      If you dream of violence toward others, it suggests a struggle to fight undesirable impulses in minds.

VII.             If tests and examinations appears in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      If you dream of examinations, it suggests a feeling of powerlessness to shape our own destiny.

B.      If you dream of failure, it could point to the self-confidence you lack of.

VIII.           If elements appear in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      If you dream of water or sea, it is a symbol of creativity, womb or female sexuality.

B.      If you dream of darkness, it may mean that you can't deal with uncomfortable feelings or thoughts in real life.

IX.                If spirits and monsters appear in dreams, it may have meanings as follows:

A.      If you dream of monster, it suggests latent impulses that fill you with disgust.

B.      If you dream of ghosts, it represents the unfinished business with the person or the guilt from the past.


I believe that after I introduce Sigmand Freud's theory of interpreting dreams and the examples that often appear in our dreams, you can know more about how dreams reflect our inner thoughts. In addition, if you want to interpret dreams, you can try to take down dreams that you remember then try to find out the symbol or the deepest meaning in your dreams.


E.佛洛姆. 夢的精神分析. 台北市,志文出版社, 1976

佛洛伊德(Freud, Sigmand). 夢的解析. 台北市,志文出版社, 68




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