2007年12月12日 星期三

Section B 49482049 洪慧珊 Speech Plan 2

Informative speech


Speech title: Learning the Guitar can be Easy and Fun


Adaptation Plan

1.      Speaking directly to the audience:

      I will demonstrate some basic ways of playing guitar and talk to my audience directly and slowly in my speech so that my audience can understand my speech.

2.      Building credibility:

From the start I will sing a song with my guitar to add my credibility. And then I will show my audience how to play this song step by step.      

3.      Getting and maintaining interest:

I will start my speech by showing my audience a song in order to arouse their curiosity. 

4.      Facilitating understanding:

I will use visual aids (power point) to let my audience identify the parts of the guitar. And I will bring my guitar and my pick to let my audience know better about the proper posture.  

5.      Increasing retention:

I will use some visual aids and my guitar to increase retention.


Speech Outline

Specific speech goal:

I want my audience not merely to have a basic understanding of playing guitar but enjoy the world of guitar as well.


I going to show my audience some basics that they need to learn for playing the guitar in a short period of time.

    Thesis statement:

I want to bring my audience to the world of guitar and let them understand learning guitar can be easy and fun. By this speech, I want my audience know playing guitar can be fun and interesting.



I.            The first part is showing my audience to know the names of many parts of the guitar.

A. "Headstock"is a general term which describes the part of the guitar attached to the slimmer neck of the instrument.   

B.    On the headstock are"tuners", which we will use to adjust the pitch of each of the strings on the guitar.

C. At the point in which the headstock meets the neck of the guitar, we can find the "nut." 

D. The "neck" of the guitar is the area of the instrument we will concentrate a great deal on.

E. The neck of the guitar adjoins the "body" of the instrument, in which we will vary greatly from guitar to guitar.

F. "Sound hole" is designed to project the sound of the guitar.


II.                   I will show my audience how to hold a guitar.

A.  Get an armless chair, and take a seat.

B.  Pick up the guitar, and hold it so the back of the body of the instrument comes in contact with our chest, and the bottom of the neck runs parallel to the floor.

C. When playing the guitar sitting down, the body of the guitar will rest on one of our legs.

D. Concentrate on the hand that is close to the neck of the guitar.

III.          I will demonstrate how to hold a pick.

   A. Open the picking hand, and turn the palm to face us.

   B. Close our hands to make a very loose fist. The thumb should remain beside the index finger.

C. Rotate the hand until it is profile.

D. Be sure the pointed end of the pick is protruding by about a half an inch. Hold the pick firmly.


IV.                       I will demonstrate tree basic guitar chords to my audience.

A. Playing a chord involves using your pick to strike at least two notes (often more) on the guitar simultaneously.

B.  Playing a C major chord.

C. Playing a G major chord

D. Playing a D major chord

V.                          Show my audience how to play a simple song called "Hey Jude" by using G major, C major, and D major chords.



After showing some basic ways of playing the guitar, I believe my audience can know better about guitar and enjoy the world of guitar as well. Besides, instead of being bombarded by confusing material, my audience will be aroused interest by my step-by-step instructions. In a word, I want my audience to understand playing guitar can be as easy as trying their shoes. Everyone can play guitar! 



新琴點播 簡彙杰 2006

Guitar Handbook(彈指之間) 潘尚文 2006








