2007年12月9日 星期日

A6310 SectionA 49482007 吳芷婷 Speech Plan No.2

Informative speech

Topic: Introduction of Nintendo DS Lite


Adaptation Plan


1.          Speaking directly to the audience: I want to use rhetorical questions to show the audience that I am talking to them directly.

2.          Building credibility: I will display the real NDSL to the audience that they will have a first impression of what NDSL is. And I will show the status information from the official web site to build my credibility.

3.          Getting and maintaining interest: Some audiences do not know what NDSL is so I will show them the real NDSL and many pictures of NDSL software to my audience.

4.          Facilitating understanding: I will present my speech slowly and as clearly as possible. In order to let the audience understand my speech better, I will also explain the details.

5.          Increasing retention: I will use visual aids and explain the details clearly to increase the audience's retention.


Speech Outline


Specific goal: I would like the audience to know that a handhold game console could be more than just a machine for playing games; Nintendo DS Lite can also help you in learning.



I. Almost everyone has heard of Wii yet do you know what NDSL is?

II. NDSL now is the most popular handheld game console of the world,and its sales are much higher than Sony PSP.


Thesis statement: Introducing the special functions of NDSL, NDSL software of entertainment and NDSL software of education to help audience understanding what NDSL is.



I. There are different functions in NDSL that software producers can design much multiple software and users can have much fun using NDSL.

1. How dual and touch screens make using NDSL become a pleasure.

2. The equipment of microphone lets users enjoy NDSL much more.

3. Wi-Fi function allows users having fun with other NDSL owners.

II. There are much different and interesting software for NDSL users to choose when they want to have fun.

1. Nintendogs is the best seller of all NDSL software.

2. How Nintendogs becomes so popular and the specialties of Nintendogs.

III. NDSL is not only a machine for entertaining but an instrument for education.

1. There are so many kinds of software for NDSL users learning languages.

2. Some schools and colleges in Japan use NDSL as an instrument for language learning.

3. Except for language learning software, there are other kinds of software for users to learn different courses and to help users with their daily life.



I. Although NDSL still has a little disadvantage, it is still a wonderful invention for users who want a machine can both play it and learn something from it.

II. NDSL is not only a toy but also a learning tool and that might be the reason why NDSL is so popular now.



Introduction of NDSL functions


NDSL wiki


Nintendo DS Lite official web site


Osaka Electro-Communication University


The status of NDSL sales


The web site of NDS software




