2008年1月11日 星期五

A6310 Section B 49482053 范德政 Speech Plan No3.

Speech title: Do Not Copy!
Audience Adaptation Plan
1. Audience attitude:
When I asked some of my audience if they have ever copied any book, I found that most of them thought it was easy, convenient and money-saving to get a copy of a book and they also thought that with so many people doing it, chances of getting caught were very small. As I put these data together, I determined that although my audience was not set against copying, they were not wholly for doing it either. Therefore, I put the majority in the group of not that worried about the consequences.
2. Reason:
I believe that the three reasons that are most likely to convince the audience are that copying not only is harmful to the publisher but also breaks the copyright, that copying is also a waste of natural resources, and that I, once as an editor, realize how an author would feel like if they know their publications are copied for personal uses without their permission.
3. Selecting an organization to meet audience needing:
Since the majority of my audience has no idea about the consequences they may take by copying, I will use my personal experiences and related law to draw their attention. Then I will illustrate the reasons logically to make them believe that they should stop copying.
Speech Outline
Speech Goal
I want my audience to stop copying.
I.      Have any of you copied books for some course?
II.      Do you know what is copyright and how to copy right?
III.      Do you know what consequences will you take if caught copying a book?
Thesis Statement
The three reasons for stop copying are that copying breaks the law, that copying is a waste of paper, that is natural resources, and that I ,once an editor, know how other authors would feel if they know their publications are copied.
I.                     Copying is a violation of law.
A.    According to Wikipedia, copyright is a legal concept enacted by most national governments, that gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited period of time.
B       According to the Ministry of Justice, whoever breaks the copyright will be given a sentence from six month to three years and fined two hundred thousand dollars.
C.    According to the Ministry of Justice, copying a few pages valuable for research from a magazine or something else is legal.
II.                   Copying is a waste of paper.
A.     Copying is a waste of paper, that is, a waste of natural resources.
III.                Copying shows no respect to the authors.
A.     I, once as an editor of a reference book, realize how painstaking and troublesome to edit a book, it is. So when I know people copy what I edit without my permission, how angry I would feel.
Since we know that copying will break the law, waste our natural resources, and show no respect to the original authors, we should stop copying anything for personal uses except for research.


2008年1月10日 星期四

49482049 洪慧珊

Persuasive speech

NO 3

Speech title: Donate blood today!


Audience Adaptation Plan

1. Audience attitude:

When I asked some of my audience if they ever donate blood or not, I found most of my audience have never donated blood before. Some of them think it is none of our business, some afraid of needles and even some think it waste their time because they can not direct benefits back.

 2. Reason:

I believe that the priority of getting blood is most likely to convince my audience. And that donating blood has benefits such as donating blood is good for the heart, blood donors can get free mini health check, and their 250 milliliter blood can save so many victims of disasters.

3. Selecting an organization to meet audience needing:

My goal is to motivate my audience members to take action, so I will provide them with incentives to act that outweigh the costs. That is, I will demonstrate how they can increase the likelihood hat they will fulfill their unmet needs by enhancing their self-concept and self-actualization.

Since the majority of my audience has no experience of donating blood and even some of them hate needles, I will illustrate a major reason to make them believe that they should donate blood right away. And then I will draw their attention by provide three benefits and answer some frequently asked question to motivate them to take the action.   


Speech Outline

Speech Goal

I want to motive my audience members to take action of donating blood right away. 


I.       When mention donating blood, some of you may think it's none of my business, and I will tell you why we should take action right away.

II.     Such act of charity do not expect to receive any direct benefit from the donation is very grand and noble.

Thesis Statement

    All of us will face a time in which we will need blood and there are many benefits of donating blood including donors can get priority to be given blood and free mini health check, and it is good for heart. And for students, donating is the easy way to help others, so we all should take action to donate.


I.                A ll of us will face a time in which we will need blood. And that time is all too often unexpected such as earthquakes, floods, fires, storms and so many disasters that all require a gift of blood. We don't know who will need blood transfusion tomorrow. It can be your friend or dear one. So we should take action right away.


II.         There are three benefits about donating blood.  

A.     According to the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation, donors will have priority over others to be given blood.


B.   Besides, donating blood is good for the heart. It may reduce the risk of heart disease of men and stimulate the generation of red blood cells. Recent studies have shown that men who gave blood three times a year reduced their risk of a heart attack by more than 50 percent.


C.    Donors can get free mini health check like blood pressure check, cholesterol screening, temperature and pulse readings and iron level testing. And the donor will be examined for hepatitis B and C, AIDS, etc, at the same time.


III.             Here are some frequently asked questions that I want to answer to my audience. 

A.   Is donating blood safe? Will I get hepatitis B or AIDS from donation blood?

Donating blood is a safe process. Needles and bags used to collect blood are used only once and then discarded. There is no risk of contracting AIDS or any other disease through the donation process.   

B. Will it make me weak?

The vast majority of people will not feel any different because of the donation. A very small percentage may experience temporary dizziness, but some rest and fluids will help you feel better quickly.  Your body will replace the lost blood within 24 hours.


IV.  I want to evoke positive emotions:

We are just students we don't make lots of money so it's not affordable for we students to make a financial gift. But donating blood to help others gives we poor students no burden at all. It is and easy way to help people in this society. 


Since we know that all of us will face a time in which we will need blood and there are many benefits of donating blood.  We all should try our best to help many victims of disasters. And we are only a few steps away form saving a life. So donate blood today!







2008年1月9日 星期三

A6310 SectionA 49482012 陳亭縈 Speech Plan No.3

Persuasive Speech                   Section A   49482012    陳亭縈
Speech Title: Bottled Water-Pure Drink or Pure Hype?
Adaptation Plan
Audience Attitude:
I interviewed ten people in my class, including 5 males and 5 females to understand their shopping habit in bottled water. Over half of them considered that bottled water was expensive, but they would still purchase plastic bottle water. Most of them revealed that they had no ideas about the waste of plastic bottle, and they'd never thought of the problem that bottled water required large expenditure economically and environmentally.
According to the sources, I find that three reasons that we should reduce the number of purchasing bottled water are that the cost of manufacturing, delivering, and recycling bottled water is extremely high, that bottled water contains part of tap water, and that bottled water is not indeed safe, pure, and healthy as its commercial says.
Selecting an Organization to Meet Audience Needs:
Most of my audience takes purchasing bottled water for granted, and the audience is not aware of the harming that caused by bottled water. So I will use a logical reason approach to convince my audience that they should reduce purchasing bottled water.
Speech Goal:
I want to convince members of my audience that they should avoid and reduce purchasing bottled water if they have the other choice of tap water.
I.         More and more people prefer to drink bottled water, instead of tap water.
II.      The global bottled water consumption is getting larger and larger.
A.     Bottled water is the best seller among other beverage, including coffee, tea, and carbonated soft drinks.
B.     In 2000 and 2006, the United States is the biggest bottled water consumer among other countries, although the United States has good and safe municipal sources of tap water.
Thesis Statement:
There are three reasons for not purchasing bottled water: it cost much in manufacturing, delivery, and recycling, part of bottled water is from tap water, and bottled water will also harm people's health.
I.         Compared with municipal water, the cost of bottled water is extremely high.
A.     The plastic bottles are made from fossil fuels.
1.      In the U.S., annually manufacturing 29 billion plastic bottles used for water requires the equivalent of more than 17 million barrel of crude oil.
B.     The bottled water is delivered within long distance, which has wasted much oil.
1.      It would cost much when the products of bottled water are from foreign countries.
2.      While the delivery of tap water costs less than a penny a gallon, bottled water costs several dollars a gallon.
    C. There are 86 percent of used water bottles in the U.S. which is not recycled.
II.      Part of the bottled water is from municipal water, and with added mineral or vitamin.
A. The price of bottled water per gallon is much more expensive than the price of tap water per gallon.
A.     The big company, PEPSI and Coke agree to reveal sources of the bottled water products, and nearly 24% of the bottled water is from tap water.
B. Some products of bottled water stress on specialty water which may harm people's bodies if taking too much.
III.    Bottled water will also harm our health, and it's not as safe, pure, and healthy as what its commercial promised.
A.     The material of plastic bottles is PET (聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯) which is extract from crude oil.
B.     The chemical composition will produce toxic molecule while being exposure to sun for a long time.
I.         People can bring there own containers which can be used in many times, instead of buying bottled water with plastic containers.
II.      The resources we saved can be used in improving the municipal water systems of many poor countries.


A6310 SectionA 49482036 周彙捷 Speech Plan No.3

Speech Topic: Have ONE child at least! 


Audience Adaptation Plan

Audience attitude

People in the present age usually don't want to have children after marriage because of many reasons.


Without having children, out society will face a series of unprecedented crises in the future. Therefore, I want to show the crises to the audience and let them know how terrible if people don't have children.

Selecting an organization to meet audience needs

First, I will explain why recent people don't want to have children. Second, I will elaborate the crises we may confront in many different aspects. Third, I will gave several advantages of having children to convince the audience.


Speech Outline

Speech Goal

I want to convince my audience to have children after marriage in the future.


Nowadays, more and more people don't want to have children after marriage, which results that the birth rate becomes lower and lower year by year. There are four reasons:

  1. The level of education is commonly raised. People with high-level education will consider more aspects of having children very carefully, and then they may give up having children in account of thinking too much. Besides, they often care more about their personal achievements than other things.

2. Traditional concept of family has changed.  Marriage and children are not necessary in people's lives any more.

3. Recent people have more self-awareness: they don't want to be limited or restrained by children.

4. Because of economical depression and inflation, people have very heavy economical pressure.

Thesis Statement

Having children has many benefits; on the contrary, if you don't have children, there are many terrible crises.


I.                    What crisis will be made without having children?

A. Social crisis

a. The reduction of manpower

b. The young generation has a heavy burden to raise their parents

c. Many unnecessary employers are forced to retire early.

B. Economic crisis

a. It causes the shortage of working force

  b. The market of consumption is withering

  c. The industries about children confront strikes, and may close down.

C. Educational crisis

                a. Schools in the remote areas are forced to close down.

  b. Since the need for teachers decreases heavily, there are many students who graduates from normal school can not find the job.

D. Family crisis

               a. Without the responsibility for children, couples divorces easily. Therefore, the divorce rate increases.

b. Without a child, who can you leave the heritage for? Your neighbor?

    II. Children are the sweet burden. There are many advantages of having children.

A. The child can carry on the family

a. Producing a new generation is the instinct of beings, or the human race will be extinct!

B. You will not be a lonely old man

a. After getting old, your child will feed you, accompany you and take care of you.


C. Having children makes the family complete.

  a. The new member makes your family livelier.

  b. The children can bond the relationship between the husband and the wife

c. The parents will obtain self-fulfillment from the processes of raising children.

D. Positive effects in your life

a. You will be trained to deal with many unexpected challenges.

b. Your responsibility is built up by raising children.




Children are lovely and sweet. Their lives are given by you just like your parents create you.  Do not give up experiencing the wonderful processes of having children. Therefore, have one child at least in your future life.



1. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/

2. http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%91%E5%AD%90%E5%8C%96

3. http://a2z.fhl.net/paper/paper182.html

4. http://blog.sina.com.tw/lorenz/article.php?pbgid=4084&entryid=571923


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A6310 Section A 49482007 吳芷婷 Speech Plan No. 3

Persuasive speech
Speech title: Organ Donation
Audience Adaptation Plan
1. Audience attitude: Most audiences know that organ donation is a good deed and they will vote for it. But they are deeply affected by Chinese tradition culture so they might have bias against organ donation that they do not want to take action by themselves. Therefore, I will tell the audiences how organ donation can do to those suffered to convince them that organ donation is not a taboo but a method to help others.
2. Reasons: I will provide three reasons that I think they can moved the audience. I want them know that organ donation not only related to one person only but related to the family of the patient and even the society. Although the audiences may not take action right away, I hope the audience can rethink of organ donation.
3. Selecting an organization to meet audience needs: First I will mention the reasons why people do not want to donate their organs. Second, I will give the audiences three factors to explain the myths of organ donation and put stress on why should we donate our organs after dying. Finally, I will reaffirm the importance of organ donation and claim that the audiences to rethink of organ donation.
Speech Outline
Speech Goal: I want my audiences to know more about organ donation and help them to get rid of the myths of organ donation.
I.                    What can we do after we died? If we still can help others even though we no longer exist in this world?
II.                 We can help others by donating our organs although we are dead. But there are some conceptions in Chinese culture to prevent people from organ donation.
III.              People have different attitude toward organ donation.
Thesis Statement: To persuade people agree with organ donation, there are three reasons for people to vote for organ donation: saving those patients' life, prolonging life and ease the bereaved's sorrow and empathy to other people.
I.                    We can save those who are in need by giving then our organs.
1.         A person's death will affect other people's life in many ways.
2.         There are more than seven thousand patients waiting for organ transplant while only one hundred and fifty people donated their organs last year.
3.         We not only save one people but we also save the whole family.
II.                 Donating organs can prolong the dead's life and also ease the sorrow of the dead's family.
  1. Chinese traditional conceptions are obstacles for organ donation.
  2. We shouldn't just let our organs be burned to ashes or buried under the ground instead of using them to save more lives.
  3. The dead's life can be prolonged and their families' sorrow can be consoled by organ donation.
III.              Empathy is the best policy.
1.           Imagine you are the family member of the patient, how's your feeling and what will you do?
2.           As long as we are in other people's shoes, we may understand how their feelings and rethink of organ donation.
Conclusion: Although I have mentioned so many reasons to vote for organ donation, some conceptions are still hard to e changed. If the audiences can realize more about organ donation and rethink of it, they might agree to donate their organs to help those who are in need in the future. And we can live a worthy life because of organ donation.

Section A 49482046 張智瑋 Speech Plan3

l          Persuasive speech – No more bamboo chopsticks( 衛生筷)


Audience Adaptation Plan


1. Audience attitude:
People today use bamboo chopsticks very often. Because of convenience, they use these hazard products regardless of the danger which might be brought to health.

2. Reasons:
I think bamboo chopsticks do no good to our body, and the danger really concerns me. I hope I can make some effort by giving the speech to my audience and change their attitude.

3. Selecting an organization to meet audience needs:
I will use logical arguments form sign to meet audience needs. By showing the way of producing bamboo chopsticks, including what chemistry they use during the process and the harms these chemistries bring to human body, I would persuade my audience not to use bamboo chopsticks step by step.





Speech goal:

I want to convince my audience that they should stop using bamboo chopsticks.



We Chinese use chopsticks everyday. We use our own chopsticks at home. But when we are not at home, we eat by using bamboo chopsticks. But bamboo chopsticks may harm our health.


Thesis Statement:

We should not use bamboo chopsticks for they are harmful to our body.



I. We Chinese use chopsticks everyday. When we are not at home, we eat by using bamboo chopsticks provided by the food stand owners, so that we consumers don't worry about how to eat. It's very convenient for us who do not usually eat at home.


II. Workers use some chemistry when producing the chopsticks.


A.  Sulfur( 硫磺 ): To sulfurize these bamboos. Sulfur's main feature is to be solid when the temperature goes down. If we inhale sulfur when we eat, it would flow into the respiratory passages, and cause breathing problems and damage oral mucous membrane( 口腔黏膜 ). Besides, sulfur contains heavy metals like lead( ), and mercury( ), so if we use bamboo chopsticks, we may have lead or mercury poisoning someday.

B.  Hydrogen peroxide( 雙氧水 ): The purpose is to bleach these bamboos and make the bamboo good-looking. They use it because hydrogen peroxide is so cheap and easy to get. However, it is acid, and corrodent to oral cavity, oesophagus (食道), even the whole digestive system.


III. The paint inside the wrapper: I know some people use to rub before they open the wrapper. This may let the paint being left on the chopsticks, and when they eat, they may eat food with paint. And if you use the bamboo chopsticks everyday, it was just like drinking the whole can of paint!


Conclusion: Using 衛生筷 is not 衛生 at all. So, for your own health, stop using bamboo chopsticks today.

Sources 衛生筷真的衛生嗎?

http://env.people.com.cn/BIG5/6320024.html (簡體 )一次性筷子