2008年1月8日 星期二

A6310 Section B 49282016 陳秀慧 Speech plan No.3

        When I asked my friends that would you buy a cosmetics or household-products using animal testing, some of my friends said they would not buy it if they found the company using animal testing, but they know little about which company do or don't experiment on the animal, while the others said it is inevitable that we would buy the cosmetics or household-product whose substance are examined by means of animal testing. Actually, we have many choices nowadays. There are many companies that do not use animal testing to examine their products, and there are many methods that can help the animal out of the unnecessary suffering.
        I believe that my three points that the species of test animal differ from human, the animals have feelings like human and the alternative ways to substitute for animal testing can convince my audiences not to buy those companies using animal testing.
        In the beginning, I will ask my audience to close their eyes and feel the situation and the fear of being tested like an animal. Then I will explain why animal testing is unnecessary in most cases. Last I will tell my audience what they can do to stop unnecessary animal testing. I think that I will make my audiences know the cruel truth and they can stop these unnecessary and inhumane things.
I want to convince my audiences to boycott these cosmetics and household-product companies that use animal testing to examine their products.
I.            What is "Animal testing"?
II.         Please close your eyes and image you are in a cage and are going to be tie to the surgical table.
        We should boycott the cosmetics and household-product company that use unnecessary animal testing because the species of animals differ from human, they feel the same like us and there are many testing ways that can substitute for them.
I.           Animals are lives on the earth, not the tool of human.
        A. Humans and animals both feel pain, fear, sadness, joy, love, and
             other emotions.
        B. Why should they suffer for beauty?
        C. Is the research necessary?
(Why animals, not human?)
II.        There are different species from human; it is harmful and dangerous to human.
        A. Insulin(胰島素) can make the baby of hen, rabbit and rat disabled,
             but show no influence on human body.
        B. Because of the unreliable experiment, it is possible that people
              will use harmful material on our body or neglect some material
             that are really good to us.
(Is there any way that can help them out, but most of the researchers just ignore it?)
III.     There are many alternatives nowadays.
A.     Eytex」(一種用豆類製成的物品)andSkintex」(一種用南瓜皮製成的物品)
B.    Testskin
IV.      What can I do to stop these?
        A. Boycott the company
        B. Send an email and tell the company why you don't buy their 
        C. The most important is to tell this cruel truth to any one you know 
            and you boycott these companies together.
V.         Conclusion
        We should respect all species. I believe that all the species are born to be a certain purpose but definitely not the victim of human's selfishness. Or we are just like notorious Nazi that looks down on the value of life and also depreciate our value to be a human.
VI.      Resource
《動物解放(Animal Liberation)》,Peter Singer孟祥森錢永祥譯。
caring consumer-a guide to kind living
Stop Animal Testing. com
AD Sneeze
Altweb: Alternatives to Animal Testing
The Humane Society of the United States
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

