2008年1月7日 星期一

Section A 49482046 張智瑋 Speech Plan 2

Section A 49482046 張智瑋 Speech Plan 2
Informative speech



Speech title: Serial Killers-Who and Why


Adaptation Plan

1.      Speaking directly to the audience:

I will show some notorious serial killers to the audience by giving some crimes they did, and categorize them into different types according their psychological conditions.


2.      Building credibility:

The examples I introduce and the quotes I use are real. In other word, these notorious killers did say something creepy about their killing motives in front of media, and they also commit those terrible crimes.


3.      Getting and maintaining interest:

        I won't use bloody pictures. Instead, I would use some movie posters because these serial killers and these crimes are often adapted into movies, such as the movie, "The Silence of the Lamb." Thus, by using these hit movies' posters, they may have more interests in my topic. Also, I choose a usual topic in order to give an impressive speech.


4.      Facilitating understanding:

I will use power point files as my visual aids. In order to introduce those killers, I will use those killers' photographs. And I will use charts when I characterize them into types.


5.      Increasing retention:

By introducing the motives and the ways they kill, I want my audience to understand these criminals' minds and increase their retention.



Speech Outline


Specific speech goal:

I want my audience know who the notorious killers are, and why they must kill.



I will show some notorious killers in America, and go into the crimes they did and find out why they did so.


    Thesis statement:

Notorious killers, those who can't be identified by appearances, kill for different reasons; sometimes, they are forced by something within.





I.  The first part is showing my audience why they killed and how they became killers.

A. By addressing this creepy and notorious quote: "It was an urge… A strong urge, and the longer I let it go the stronger it got." I start my speech. And I will mention the person who said this quote – Edmund Kemper.   

B. Then I will introduce two movie posters and two killers – Henry Lee Lucas and Jeffery Dahmer, both of them are cannibal and homosexual. And tell the audience why they became serial killers in the two murderers' own view. If time allows, I may introduce their lives.


II.   I will introduce their traits and the definitions of a serial killer.

A.   Psychological condition

a.  They often have antisocial personality disorders.

b.  They have low level of emotional development. Thus they often feel being humiliated get mad easily.

c.   They like softness which resembles mother's breast. So they like to touch something soft by using their mouths. Their favorites usually are women's underwear.

B.   FBI's definition

a.  A minimum of 3or 4 victims, with a "cooling off" period in between.

b.  Killers are usually strangers to victims.

c.  The murders reflect a need to sadistically dominate the victim.

d.  Their motive is not for money.

e.  The victims may have symbolic value for the killer; the method of killing also reveals this meaning.

C.   MacDonald triad

     a.      Fire starting.

     b.  Maltreating the animals and having pleasure from it.

     C.  Bed wetting after adolescence.


III.    I will characterize them according to their personalities and their motive of killing.

   A. personality

a.   Organized: this kind of killers is smart (higher than IQ120). They plan their crime. Then I will tell the story of Ted Bundy, a serial kill who majored in law, looked like a movie star, and won support from women who believed his innocence when he was in jail for he raped and murdered college girls.

b.  Disorganized: these killers may not as intelligent as those are characterized in the type "organized." They don't have plans for crime. I will show the audience a movie called "Monster" which tells a story about a female homosexual serial killer. Her profession was a prostitute, and she claimed she was beaten by her client when she was having sex with them. And what she did was for self-defense.

        B. motive

a.  Visionary: These people kill because they see something and are pushed to kill. However, what they see are usually illusions. Here I will mention Ed Gein, the crime he did was also adapted in a movie "Ed Gein"( 德州電鋸殺人狂) He claim everytime he saw his mother's spirit, he would killed a woman resemble her mom and ate part of the victim in order to keep his mother in his body.

b.  Missionary: This type of killers tends to be religious. They believe they are educating people and what they do are for justice. The victims of this kind of killing are often prostitutes. I will use a movie "Seven" to emphasize this kind of motive. In the movie, the killer kills according to the "seven sins" in Bible.        

c.  Hedonistic: The killers characterized into this type kill for pleasure. They would be happy when they chase their victims and slay them. The movie "scream" is an ideal example of this type of killing.

d.  Power and Control: This is the most common kind among serial killers. They feel they are superior when they control other's life. I will introduce a movie, "Zodiac," which based on a true story happened in 1960s. Whenever "Zodiac" killed, he would choose some specific victims, and left some evidences particularly. After murdered someone, he would mail to newspapers and the police, and told them who his next victim is.




After showing them the different types of serial killers, I hope my audience will know better about serial killers. And I also hope I can arouse their interest of criminal mind research.  




      http://www.bluemysteryart.org/Taiwan/MikaHakkinen/new_pag e_30.htm





