2008年1月9日 星期三

A6310 Section B 49482035奚樂芸 Speech Plan No. 3

Persuasive speech

Speech title: Please! Stop Drinking Bubble Tea!  

Audience Adaptation Plan

1. Audience attitude:

When I asked some of my audience about their feelings towards bubble tea, I found that most of them recognize it as one of the Taiwanese famous food and most of them enjoy it. Although they don't think bubble tea is nutritious, they don't think it will actually threaten their health. Also, when I asked them about the possible disadvantages of bubble tea, no one had mentioned about the environmental pollution. As I put these data together, the majority of my audience doesn't know how bubble tea will damage themselves and the environment.   

2. Reason:

I believe that the three reasons that are most likely to convince the audience are that the ingredients in bubble tea threaten our health, that bubble tea makes us fat, and that the containers of bubble tea damage our environment.

3. Selecting an organization to meet audience needing:

Since the majority of my audience has no idea about the serious damages bubble tea may cause, I will use examples and statistics to draw their attention. Then I will illustrate the reasons logically to make them believe that they should stop dirking bubble tea.     

Speech Outline

Speech Goal

I want my audience to stop drinking bubble tea.


I.      When your foreign friends visit Taiwan, what Taiwanese food will you treat them? It is not surprising that a cup of bubble tea list first in your mind.

II.      Bubble tea is definitely one of the most famous drinks in Taiwan. However, although bubble tea is worldwide famous, it doesn't mean that it's a good drink for us to have.

III.    Today, there are three reasons to show you, so please, stop drinking bubble tea!     

Thesis Statement

The three reasons for stop drinking bubble tea are that the ingredients in bubble tea threaten our health, that bubble tea makes us fat, and that the containers of bubble tea damage our environment.


I.                     The ingredients in bubble tea threaten our health

A.     According to the Consumers' Foundation, tapioca pearls(粉圓) contains a large quantity of preservatives. When humsn body accmilates a great number of presercativs, that may cause headhache, vomiting and spasm.

B.     Cream(奶精) is made by trans fat. According to Wikpedia and Chicago Rush University, intaking trans fats will increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

C.     The quality of water used to make tea may not fit the qualified standard. According to public health bureau of Taoyuan county government, 36% of the bubble tea shops in Taoyuan are unqualified due to their unclean water. So there is one-third possibility for you to suffer from diarrhea by just enjoying a cup of bubble tea.


II.                   Bubble tea makes us fat

A.     According to the nutritionist of Mackay Memorial Hospital, per 100 c.c. bubble tea contains 56 calories which are higher than coca cola's 42 calories of same capacity.

B.     A cup of 500cc bubble tea is about 280 calories, and that equals to the calories of a bowel of rice or a McDonough cheese burger.

C.     If you drink bubble tea every day, you'll assimilate 102,200 calories which means 13.5 kilogram in a year. If you only drink once a week: you will still gain 2 kilograms in a year.


III.                The containers of bubble tea damage our environment.

A.     According to Environmental Protection Administration, there are at least 12 thousand bubble tea shops nowadays and the consumption of plastic and paper cups reaches to 5 million a day. 

B.     So far, there's no law that can control the bubble tea shops' usages of plastic cups and bags, for most of the shops only serve customers with take-out drinks while our laws can only restrain the shops with seats for customers to eat.

C.     Although most of the containers are recyclable, few people can actually and properly recycle these containers.


Since we know that drinking bubble tea will not only threaten our health, make us fat but also pollute our environment, we should stop drinking bubble tea.


1.      http://forum.rocsaut.org/topic_show.cgi?id=7465&h=1&bpg=4&age=30

2.      http://news.yam.com/bcc/healthy/200709/20070920762429.html

3.      http://enews.nctu.edu.tw/news6.php?news_id=2605

4.      http://enews.nfa.gov.tw/one-news.asp?NewsNo=6989

5.      http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2004/new/oct/28/today-life7.htm#top

6.      http://pupu.nike.tw/read-33.html

7.      http://news.yam.com/chinatimes/society/200712/20071205025475.html

8.      http://e-info.org.tw/taxonomy/term/21022


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